Garden State Harvest: New Jersey Agriculture: A Bibliography
Special Collections and University Archives contains a wealth of primary and secondary resources relating to New Jersey agriculture. This bibliography reflects a broad range of materials-everything from account books, diaries, and journals to manuscript collections, trade catalogs, and yearbooks.
State and federal documents on the subject from 1851 to the present may generally be found at either the Alexander Library or the Library of Science and Medicine.
Please alert us to additional relevant items, new or old. Budget permitting, we will make every effort to acquire them. A bibliography is always a work in progress . . .
Cynthia Hammell compiled the entries. David Kuzma undertook the tedious task of verification, formatting and editing. Caryn Radick, our editor-in-chief, did the final edit. Thanks to each of them on an excellent bibliography. Don Sinclair would approve!
Printed copies of this bibliography will be available for the agricultural exhibit. An online version pdf version of the bibliography also available .
Bonita Craft Grant
New Jersey Bibliographer
Special Collections and University Archives
February 2008
I. Monographs
A. Agriculture
Austen, Peter T. Address on the Past, Present and Future of Scientific Agriculture, Delivered Before the New Jersey State Board of Agriculture...Trenton, NJ: John L. Murphy Publishing Co., 1889. SNCLY S91.A5 1883
Bateman Manufacturing Co. Iron Age Farm Garden and Orchard Tools... [Grenloch, NJ, 1913]. SNCLNJ S677.B328 1913
Billings, George A. Systems of Farming in Central New Jersey. Washington, DC: GPO, 1911. SNCLY S602.5.B55 1911
Bonsteel, Jay A. Soils of Southern New Jersey and Their Uses (Bulletin No. 677). Washington, DC: US Department of Agriculture, 1918. SNCLY S599.S68B6
Bridgeton Commercial League (Bridgeton, NJ). Farm Facts: Farming for Pleasure and Profit in Cumberland County, New Jersey. Bridgeton, NJ: Bridgeton Commercial League, [1915?]. SNCLY S451.N5F37
Burlington County Agricultural Society. Semi-Centennial of the Burlington County Fair: The 50th Exhibition, Mt. Holly, N.J., September 22, 23, 24, 25, 1896. Mt. Holly, NJ: New Jersey Mirror Print, 1896. SNCLY GT4611.B84B87 1896
Burrough, Edward W. Address of the Hon. Edward W. Burrough, President of the New Jersey State Board of Agriculture ...Trenton, NJ: John L. Murphy Publishing Co., 1888. SNCLY S91.A5 1888
Charles E. Lambert Associates. The Impact of Agriculture upon the New Jersey Economy. Princeton, NJ: Charles E. Lambert Associates, 1968. SNCLNJ HD1775.N48I47 1968
Clark, Abraham. The True Policy of New-Jersey Defined or How Our Great Strength Led to Exersion, in the Improvement of Agriculture & Manufactures, by Altering the Mode of Taxation, and by the Emission of Money on Loan, in IX Sections. Elizabeth-town, [NJ]: Printed for the author, and sold by Shepard Kollock, 1786. SNCLX HG521.C592T
Cohen, David Steven. The Dutch-American Farm. New York, NY: New York University Press, 1992. SNCLNJ S451.N56C55 1992
Cooperative Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics: 4-H Club Work, New Jersey State Agricultural College, United States Department of Agriculture and Trenton Inter-State Fair, Cooperating. [New Jersey: Rutgers Cooperative Extension, 1929]. SNCLY S553.F66C66 1929
Cunningham, John T. New Jersey's Rich Harvest: A Brief History of Agriculture in New Jersey, Published in Commemoration of the 200th Anniversary of the New Jersey Agricultural Society. Trenton, NJ: The Society, 1981. SNCLY2 S521.5.N5C86 1981
Davis, B. H. Cause and Control of Tomato Wilts. New Brunswick, NJ: New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station, 1952. SNCLNJ S91.E26 no. 548/582
Dhillon, Pritam S. Cost of Producing Selected Fresh Market Vegetables in New Jersey. New Brunswick, NJ: Department of Agricultural Economics and Marketing, New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station, Rutgers University, 1979 SNCLY S91.E23 no. 853
Dudley, Thomas H. An Address Delivered before the New Jersey Board of Agriculture, February 6th, 1883, by Thomas H. Dudley, President ... Camden, NJ: The Milliette Printing Rooms [1883]. SNCLY S91.A5 1883
---. Address of Thomas H. Dudley, President of the State Board of Agriculture, Delivered before Said Board, at Trenton, February 2, 1886. Camden, NJ: S. Chew, Printer, 1886. SNCLY S91.A5 1886
---. Agriculture; An Address Delivered before the New Jersey State Agricultural Society, by Hon. Thomas H. Dudley. n.p., n.d. SNCLY HD1765 1882.D849A
---. The Farmer Feedeth All: How Protection Affects the Farmer: An Address Delivered before the New Jersey State Agricultural Society, at Waverly, Sept. 22, 1882. Philadelphia: Allen, Lane & Scott's Printing House, 1882. SNCLY HF1755.D849F
---. Which Is Best for the Farmers, Protection or Free Trade? An Address before the Agricultural Society of Lancaster County, Delivered at Lancaster City, PA, February 7, 1887. [Camden, NJ, 1887]. SNCLY HF1755.D849Whi
Eating Fresh from the Organic Garden State. Pennington, NJ: Northeast Organic Farming Association, 1997. SNCLNJ TX362.E38
Farm and Business Directory of Hunterdon and Somerset Counties, New Jersey. Philadelphia: W. Atkinson, 1914. SNCLNJ F142.H9A18F
Farm and Business Directory of Mercer and Middlesex Counties, New Jersey with a Complete Road Map of Both Counties. Philadelphia: Wilmer Atkinson Co., 1914. SNCLNJ F142.M5A18F
Farm and Business Directory of Monmouth County, New Jersey. Philadelphia: Wilmer Atkinson Co., 1914. SNCLNJ F142.M7A18
Farm Journal Farm Directory of Burlington County, New Jersey. Philadelphia: Wilmer Atkinson Co., 1913. SNCLNJ F142.B9F2
Farm Journal Farm Directory of Cumberland County, New Jersey with a Numbered Road Map of the County Showing the Location of Each Farm. Philadelphia: Wilmer Atkinson Company, 1913. SNCLNJ F142.C9F37 1913
Farm Journal Farm Directory of Gloucester County, New Jersey. Philadelphia: Wilmer Atkinson Company, 1913. SNCLNJ F142.G2F2
Farm Journal Farm Directory of Salem County, New Jersey. Philadelphia: Wilmer Atkinson Company, 1913. SNCLNJ F142.S2F2
Gibson, W. R. Big Profits in Farming around Bridgeton New Jersey. (Rev. ed.) Bridgeton: E.A. Strout Farm Agency, [1918]. SNCLY S451.N5G524
Hale, Henry E. Princeton Agricultural Association, January 1867 to December 1939: Read before the Princeton Historical Society, November 20th, 1939 and before the Princeton Agricultural Association on November 30th of the Same Year. n.p., 1939. SNCLY2 S92.P9H35 1939
Harrison, Charles Hampton. Tending the Garden State: Preserving New Jersey's Farming Legacy. New Brunswick, NJ: Rivergate Books, 2006. SNCLNJ S451.N5H37 2006
Industry Guide to New Jersey's Organic Markets. Pennington, NJ: Natural Organic Farmers Association of New Jersey: Stony Brook-Millstone Watershed Association, 1991. SNCLNJ HD9003.I53
Jewish Agricultural Society. Jews in American Agriculture; The History of Farming by Jews in the United States. [New York: The Society], 1954. SNCLY HD1516.U6J48
Johnston, Andrea R. Living on the Farm. Newton, NJ: Sussex County Agricultural Society, [1976]. SNCLNJ S451.N5J72
Moreland, Wallace S. A Brief Outline of a Practical Guide to Successful Farming. Garden City, NY: Halcyon House, 1943. SNCLY S493.M6 1943c
---. A Practical Guide to Successful Farming. Garden City, NY: Halcyon House, 1943. SNCLNJ S493.M6, SNCLNJ S493.M6 1943b
Morris, Edmund. Ten Acres Enough... New York: Excelsior Publishing House, 1864. SNCLNJ S521.M9 1864a
Neilson, James. George H. Cook, State Geologist of New Jersey—Director of the Agricultural Experiment Station of New Jersey... [Trenton, NJ: New Jersey Historical Society, 1890?]. SNCLY S417.C636N45 1890
New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station. Fifty Years of Service to Agriculture: Being a Brief History of the New Jersey State Agricultural Experiment Station, 1880-1930 ...New Brunswick, NJ: [New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station, 1930]. SNCLY S541.5.N52N49 1930; R-PUBS S541.5.N52N49 1930
---. New Jersey Agriculture: A Report ...New Brunswick, NJ: New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station, 1954. SNCLY2 HD9007.N5N4 1954
New Jersey Blueprint Commission on the Future of New Jersey Agriculture. Report of the Blueprint Commission ...[Trenton, NJ: The Commission], 1973. SNCLY2 HD1775.N5N48
New Jersey. Crop Reporting Service. The Blueberry and Cranberry Industries in New Jersey. Trenton, NJ: New Jersey Crop Reporting Service, 1956. SNCLY HD9259.B523N5 1956
New Jersey. Department of Agriculture. Author and Subject Index of Department of Agriculture Publications (January 1931-October 1945). Trenton, NJ: New Jersey Department of Agriculture, 1946. SNCLY Z5075.N5A3 1946
---. Fertile Furrow, 50 Years Long; the Grassroots Government of New Jersey Agriculture. [Trenton, NJ: The Department, 1966]. SNCLY2 S451.N5N5 1966
---. Report from NJDA. Trenton, NJ: New Jersey Department of Agriculture. SNCLNJ S91.N49
---. Bureau of Plant Industry. Injurious Insects of New Jersey Nurseries. Trenton, NJ: New Jersey Department of Agriculture Bureau of Plant Industry, 1945. SNCLNJ SB936.I54
New Jersey Legislature. General Assembly. Committee on Agriculture. Report of the Committee on Agriculture of the House of the Assembly of the State of New Jersey Relative to an Agricultural Survey of the State, February 1840. Trenton, NJ: Printed by Philips & Boswell, Printers to the House, 1840. SNCLY S91.ZN54 1840.
---. Report of the House Committee on Agriculture of the State of New Jersey for the Year 1866. SNCLY S91.ZN54 1866
New Jersey Legislature. General Assembly. Committee on Agriculture and Environment. Agriculture Subcommittee. Public Hearing before Agriculture Subcommittee of the Assembly Agriculture and Environment Committee on the Current Economic Conditions in the Agricultural Industry: Held June 29, 1984, Old Courthouse, Salem, New Jersey. [Trenton, NJ: The Committee, 1984]. SNCLY2 HD1775.N4N48 1984
New Jersey State Board of Agriculture. Agricultural Economic Recovery and Development Initiative. [Trenton, NJ: The Board, 1993]. SNCLY2 HD1775.N5N594 1993
New York Urate and Poudrette Company. Documents Submitted to the Legislature of New Jersey for the Benefit of Agriculture. New York: H. Cassidy, Printer, [1839]. SNCLY HD9483.N533D
Olcott, F. P. Catalogue of Round Top Farm, Bernardsville, N.J. Bernardsville, NJ, 1897. SNCLNJF SF299.O43 1897
Orton, Elwin R. Growing American Holly in New Jersey. [New Brunswick, NJ]: Cooperative Extension Service, [1966]. SNCLY SB437.5.H607
Phelps, C. S. Notes on Irrigation in Connecticut and New Jersey. Washington DC: Government Printing Office, 1897. SNCLY S616.U6P54 1897
Pitt, Dimitry T. The Apple Industry of New Jersey: Number of Trees By Variety and Ages. Trenton, NJ: New Jersey Department of Agriculture, [1938]. SNCLNJ SB363.3.P58 1938
---. New Jersey Agriculture Historical Facts and Figures. Trenton, NJ: New Jersey State Department of Agriculture, 1943. SNCLNJ S91.A32 no. 339
Pixley, Margaret B. A Study of the Italian in Agriculture in Gloucester County, New Jersey ... [Philadelphia], 1961. SNCLNJ F142.G5P6
Reed, Patti. Reed's Guide to Farms and Barns in Eastern Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware ...Reading, PA: Horse Tales Publishers, 1993. SNCLNJ SF285.375.U6R44 1993
Planning for Agriculture in New Jersey. [Princeton, NJ]: Middlesex-Somerset-Mercer Regional Study Council, [1979?]. SNCLY3 HD1761.N5P62 1979
Schmidt, Hubert G. Agriculture in New Jersey: A Three-Hundred-Year History. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, [1973]. SNCLNJ S451.N55S35
Shreve, Samuel H. A Descriptive Catalogue of Cheap Farming Lands in New Jersey Suitable for Grain Farms, Peach and Apple Orchards, Vineyards, Small Fruit Cultivation and Cranberry Gardens within Fifty Miles of New York or Philadelphia ... [New York]: New York Lithographing Engraving & Printing Co., [1868?]. SNCLY F142.O2S56
Stammer, Richard W. A Price Forecasting Model for New Jersey Fresh Tomatoes. New Brunswick, NJ: New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station. Department of Agricultural Economics and Marketing, 1977. SNCLY2 HD9007.N5E23 no. 367
Stewart, Henry. The Culture of Farm Crops. A Manual of the Science of Agriculture and a Handbook of Practice for American Farmers. Millington, NJ: Duane H. Nash, 1887. SNCLNJ S585.S85
United States. Department of Agriculture. Agriculture in the Delaware Basin. [n.p.: USDA, 1959]. SNCLY2 C557.3.D45A47 1959
---. Agriculture in the Delaware Basin: Part B, Farming. [n.p.: ARS-USDA, 1957]. SNCLY2 S444.A47 1957
Vineland, New Jersey: Its Advantages as a Place of Residence, Health Resort, Manufacturing Center and Farming Community; Issued under the Supervision of the Board of Trade for the Borough and Township. 4th ed. Vineland, NJ: Smith Publishing House, 1907. SNCLY2 F144.V782A3 1907
Vineland, New Jersey: Its Advantages as a Place of Residence, Health Resort, Manufacturing Center and Farming Community; Its Schools, Institutions, Churches, Business Interests, Temperance Principles and Social Life. 3rd ed. Philadelphia: Printed by Patterson & White Co., [1900?]. SNCLY2 F144.V7V56 1900z
Vineland, New Jersey: Its Advantages as a Place of Residence, Health Resort, Manufacturing Center and Farming Community; Its Schools, Institutions, Churches, Business Interests, Temperance Principles and Social Life; Issued under the Supervision of the Mayor and City Council and the Vineland Board of Trade. [Philadelphia: Patterson & White Co., 1903?]. SNCLY F144.V782A3
Voorhees, Edward B. Irrigation in New Jersey. Washington, [DC]: [US] GPO, 1900. SNCLY S616.N5V66 1900
Wacker, Peter O. Land and People: A Cultural Geography of Preindustrial New Jersey. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1975. SNCLNJ F137.W3
---. Land Use in Early New Jersey: A Historical Geography. Newark: New Jersey Historical Society, 1995. SNCLNJ HD266.N5W33 1995
Wall, James W. An Address, Delivered before the Agricultural Fair, Held at Flemington, Hunterdon Co., New Jersey, September 27, 1860. Philadelphia: King & Baird Printers, 1860. SNCLY S523.W187
---. Our Age and Its Contributions to Agriculture: An Address Delivered September 16th, 1859 at the New Jersey Agricultural State Fair. Philadelphia: King & Baird, 1859. SNCLY S523.W1870
Waller, Ingrid Nelson. Where There Is Vision; The New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station. SNCLNJ S543.N45W3; R-PUBS S91.E4W3
Weiss, Harry B. History of the New Jersey State Board of Agriculture, 1872-1916. Trenton, NJ: New Jersey Agricultural Society, 1949. SNCLNJ S451.N5 W4
---. The New Jersey Department of Agriculture, 1916-1949. Trenton, NJ: New Jersey Agricultural Society, 1950. SNCLNJ S451.N55W41
Weissensee, Gunther George. A Study of the Production and Marketing Practices of New Jersey Vegetable Growers as Affected by Changes in Modern Food Processing Techniques. New Brunswick, NJ: 1957. SNCLNJ S571.S4
West Jersey & Sea Shore R.R. Products of Southern New Jersey, From Soil and Sea: Issued in the Interests of the Grower, Shipper and Buyer of Perishable Freight. Camden, NJ: Press of Chew & Sons, n.d. SNCLNJ S571.W42
Woodward, Carl Raymond. Agricultural Organizations in New Jersey, 1781-1880. [New Brunswick, NJ]: Rutgers University, 1926. SNCLNJ S556.W899A
---. Agriculture in New Jersey. New York: American Historical Society, 1930. SNCLNJ S451.W899ag
---. The Development of Agriculture in New Jersey 1640-1880; A Monographic Study in Agricultural History. New Brunswick, NJ: New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station, 1927. SNCLNJ S451.N55W6 and R-PUBS S451.N55W6
---. New Jersey Agriculture, Past and Present: Story in Pictures of the Development of Agriculture in the Garden State. New Brunswick, NJ: New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station, 1933. SNCLNJ S451.W899N
---. Ploughs and Politicks; Charles Read of New Jersey and His Notes on Agriculture, 1715-1774. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1941. SNCLNJ S451.W899P
B. Horticulture
Ballister-Howells, Pegi. Month by Month Gardening in New Jersey. Nashville, TN: Cool Springs Press, 2005. SNCLNJ SB453.2.N5B25 2005
Bodine, Gertrude S. The Garden Club of Trenton, New Jersey: A Brief History, 1912-1952. [n.p., 1952?]. SNCLY SB450.9.B63 1952
Connors, Charles, H. Peonies in the Garden. New Brunswick, NJ: New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station, 1955. (Circular 570). SNCLNJ S91.E26 no. 548/582
Doehlert, Charles A. Blueberries in the Garden. New Brunswick, NJ: New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station, 1957. SNCLNJ S91.E26 no. 548/582 (Bound with other titles).
Dunbar, Katharine. Growing Things: A Short Guide to the Mysteries and Miracles of Those Exquisite Things, which Grow out of the Ground. [New Jersey]: New Jersey Association of Nurserymen, 1928. SNCLY SB451.D86 1928
Dunhill, Priscilla and Freedman, Sue. Glorious Gardens to Visit: 58 Gardens in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and the Delaware Valley ... New York: Clarkson and Potter, 1989. SNCLNJ SB466.U65N74 1989
Henderson, Peter. Gardening for Pleasure. A Guide to the Amateur in the Fruit, Vegetable, and Flower Garden, with Full Directions for the Greenhouse, Conservatory, and Window Garden. New York: Orange Judd Co., 1887. SNCLNJ SB93.H552.
Henderson, Peter. Gardening for Pleasure. A Guide to the Amateur in the Fruit, Vegetable, and Flower Garden, with Full Directions for the Greenhouse, Conservatory, and Window Garden. New York: Orange Judd Co., 1900. [Reprint of 1887 edition.] SNCLNJ SB93.H51
Henderson, Peter. Gardening for Profit: A Guide to the Successful Cultivation of the Market and Family Garden. New York: O. Judd, 1867. SNCLNJ SB321.H497G.
Henderson, Peter. Gardening for Profit: A Guide to the Successful Cultivation of the Market and Family Garden. New York: O. Judd Co., David W. Judd, Pres't, 1888. ("Entirely new and greatly enlarged.") SNCLNJ SB320.9.H46 1888
Henderson, Peter. Gardening for Profit: A Guide to the Successful Cultivation of the Market and Family Garden. New York: O. Judd Co, 1897. [Reprint of 1888 edition.] SB320.9.H46 1897
Kiefer, Lorraine and Alison Beck. Best Garden Plants for New Jersey. Auburn, WA: Lone Pine Publishing International, 2007. SNCLNJ SB453.2.N5K54 2007
Klein, William, M. Gardens of Philadelphia and the Delaware Valley. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1995. SNCLNJ SB466.U65P485 1995
Nissley, Charles Hebron. The Home Vegetable Garden. New Brunswick, NJ: New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station, Rutgers University, 1942. SNCLY SB320.9.N57 1942
Rutgers University. College of Agriculture Extension Service. Plan and Plant for Beauty. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Extension Service. R-PUBS SB406.5.P55 1950z
Schmidt, R. Marilyn. Gardening in the Pinelands. Barnegat Light, NJ: Pine Barrens Press, 1994. SNCLY SB439.24.N5S35
Shelton, Theodore B. and Bruce Hamilton Shelton. Landscape Gardening for Water Conservation: A Guide for New Jersey. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers Cooperative Extension, 1987. SNCLY2 SB475.83.S542 1987
Smith, Charles Orchard. Garden Clubs in the Schools of Englewood, New Jersey. Washington: GPO, 1917. SNCLY L111.A6
Snodsmith, Ralph. The Tri-State Gardener's Guide: New York, New Jersey and Connecticut. Franklin, TN: Cool Springs Press, 2001. SNCLNJ SB407.S654 2001
Zatz, Arlene. New Jersey's Great Gardens: A Four-Season Guide to 125 Public Garden, Parks and Arboretums. Woodstock, VT: The Countryman Press, 1999. SNCLNJ SB466.U65N549 1999
C. Livestock and Poultry
Barch, Joan Rubenstein. Jewish Egg Farmers in New Jersey. Columbia, MD: Barch, 1977. SNCLNJ HD9284.U45N53 1977
Beaudette, Fred Robert. Newcastle Disease. New Brunswick, NJ: New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station, 1954. [Bound in Davis, B. H., Cause and Control of Tomato Wilts.] SNCLNJ S91.E26 no.548/582
Beaudette, Fred Robert and C. B. Hudson. Infectious Laryngotracheitis Vaccination. New Brunswick, NJ: New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station, 1954. [Bound in Davis, B.H., Cause and Control of Tomato Wilts.] SNCLNJ S91.E26 no.548/582
Belle Mead Farm. Belle Mead Farm, the Home of Red Wilkes, the Greatest Living Sire: 1901 Season. [Belle Mead, NJ: The Farm], 1901. SNCLY SF290.U6B45 1901
Boyer, Michael K. Money in Broilers and Squabs Together with Special Chapters on Turkey and Guinea Broilers and Green Ducklings and Geese for Market: The Experiences of Practical Men. Hammonton, NJ: Michael Boyer, 1904. SNCLNJ SF487.B78 1904
Catalogue of Entries of Thoroughbred Jersey Cattle: First Exhibition of the New Jersey Cattle Association of West Jersey, Held June 10th and 11th, 1881, on the Fair Grounds of the Moorestown Agricultural and Industrial Society. Moorestown, NJ: Chronicle Steam Job Print, 1881. SNCLY S555.N52M76 1881
Decker, Martin. Poultry Courses for Evening Class Pupils in the Egg Harbor Area of Atlantic County, New Jersey ...[New Brunswick, NJ]: Rutgers University, 1934. SNCLNJ L.D295P
Fenity, Leo W. Portrait of Two Suburban Dairies: Davidson's Dairy, Decker Dairy, Hightstown, New Jersey. n.p., n.d. SNCLY3 SF232.N5H74
Foster, Joel M. The Million Egg Farm: Rancocas Poultry Farm. Written by Its Founder, Joel M. Foster. Brown's Mills-in-the-Pines, NJ: International Poultry Sales Co., 1910. SNCLNJ SF487.F6 1910A
Gloucester County Court. The Organization and Minutes of the Gloucester County Court, 1686-7; Some Loose Papers Pertaining to Our Earliest Court, Also Gloucester County Ear Mark (Cattle) Book, 1686-1728. Woodbury, NJ: [Gloucester County?], 1930. SNCLNJ F142.G5G5
Grand Consolidated Vigilant Society of New Jersey and Pennsylvania for the Recovery of Stolen Property and the Detection of Thieves. Rules and Regulations to Govern the Consolidated Vigilant Society of New Jersey and Pennsylvania for the Recovery of Stolen Horses and Other Property and the Detection of Thieves. Newtown, PA: Enterprise Print, 1913. SNCLY HV6774.G751R 1913
Grass Silage (Circular 561). New Brunswick, NJ: New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station, 1954. [Bound with other titles.] SNCLNJ S91.E26 no. 548/582
Havemeyer, Theodore Augustus. The Mountainside Breeding-Herd of Jersey Cattle. [New York: Vaux & Company, Printers], 1883. SNCLNJ SF199.J5H384
Hedgefield Stock Farm. Hedgefield Stock Farm, Salem, Salem County, New Jersey [catalog]. SNCLY SF290.N5H44 YR. 1891
Ingham, Ray W. Grass Silage and Dairying ...New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1949. SNCLNJ SF99.G7I5
Jewish Poultry Farmers Association of South Jersey. 10th Anniversary Journal. [New York: Futuro Press, 1962]. SNCLNJ SF481.J59 1962. Also SNCLY3 SF481.J59 1962.
Mahrapo Farms. Catalogue of Mahrapo Farms' "Special Event" Sale: Aberdeen-Angus Cattle ... Mahwah, New Jersey ... June 7th, 1952. [Mahwah, NJ: Mahrapo Farms, 1952]. SNCLY HD9433.U64M34 1952
New Jersey Association for Poultry Improvement. Annual Exhibition of the New Jersey Association for Poultry Improvement ...[New Jersey], 1912. SNCLY SF483.43.N5N49
New Jersey Department of Agriculture. Equine Advisory Board. Directory of New Jersey Horse Facilities. Trenton, NJ: Equine Advisory Board. SPCOL/UA has 1984; 1989. SNCLY2 SF310.U52N5 [yr.]
Poulton, Bruce R., et al. Green Feeding (Circular) ... New Brunswick, NJ: New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station, 1956. SNCLNJ S91.E26 no. 548/582
Rancocas Poultry Farm. Rancocas Poultry Farm: Breeders of Rancocas Strain of Single-Comb White Leghorns. Browns Mills, NJ: Rancocas Poultry Farm, [1914]. SNCLY SF491.R18 1914
Registered Standard Trotting and Pacing Stock and Jersey Cattle at Glenmoore Stud, Glenmoore, Mercer Co. N.J... .E. S. Wells, Proprietor. New York: Turf, Field and Farm, 1896. SPCOL/UA also has the 1900 edition. SNCLY SF299.R43 [yr.]. SNCLY SF299.R43 1900
Report on Pleuro-Pneumonia Among Cattle in the State of New Jersey. Trenton, NJ: Wm. S. Sharp [1879]. SNCLY SF964.R47
Speck, Frank Gouldsmith. Earmarks of Livestock of the Settlers at Woodbridge, New Jersey, 1716-1799. [Philadelphia: 1938]. SNCLY F144.W883S7
South Jersey Poultry Association. Annual Exhibition of the South Jersey Poultry Association. Bridgeton, NJ: Pioneer Steam Power Print, 1887. SNCLY SF481.S68
Thompson, Willard C. Egg Farming: A Practical and Reliable Manual upon Producing Eggs and Poultry for Market as a Profitable Business Enterprise. Rev. ed. New York: Judd Publishing Co., 1942. SNCLNJ SF492.T47
Voorhees, Edward B. What the Guernseys Have Demonstrated in Public and Official Tests / Address by Dr. E. B. Voorhees, Director, N.J. Experimental Station. [Philadelphia: Eastern Guernsey Breeders' Association, 1904]. SNCLY SF199.G8V66 1904
W.R Spann & Sons' Twenty Sixth Sale of Imported Jersey Cattle: At Morristown, New Jersey, July 14, 1927. Webster City, IA: Fred Hahne Printing Company, [1927]. SNCLNJ SF199.J5W77 1927
William Rust & Sons. Poultry and Stock Keeping. New Brunswick, NJ: William Rust & Sons, [1890]. SNCLY SF487.W55 1890
II. Serials and Annuals
A. Agriculture
Better Dairying Newsletter. New Brunswick, NJ: Cooperative Extension Service, Cook College. SPCOL/UA has July/Sept. 1980; Jan./Mar. 1981; July/Sept. 1981; Jan./Mar. 1982; July/Sept. 1982; Oct./Dec. 1982; Oct./Dec. 1983; July/Sept. 1984; Jan./Mar. 1985; Apr./June 1985; July/Sept. 1986; July/Sept. 1987. R-PUBS SF243.52.N5B48
Bulletin / Campbell Soup Company Department of Agricultural Research. Riverton, NJ: Campbell Soup Company. SPCOL/UA has numbers 1–4 (1939–1942). SNCLNJ SB349.B9
Business Farming in New Jersey and the Delmarva Peninsula; Business Farming in New Jersey, Delaware and Maryland; Business Farming in New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland and Virginia; Business Farming in New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland and the Virginias—see New Jersey Farm and Garden and the Garden State Farmer
Campbell's News and Views. Camden, NJ: Agricultural Department, Campbell Soup Company. SPCOL/UA has vol. 11 (Winter 1956)–vol. 20 (Fall/Winter 1964). SNCLNJ SB349.C35
The Christian's Scholar's and Farmer's Magazine. Elizabeth-town, NJ: Shepard Kollock, 1789–1791. SPCOL/UA has vol. 1–vol. 2 (1789–1791). PER III [Shelved by title].
Consumer's Guide to New Jersey's Organic Markets. Pennington, NJ: Natural Organic Farmer's Association of New Jersey and the Stony Brook-Millstone Watershed Association, 1991– . SNCLNJ HD9003.I531 yr. 1991
Crop and Agricultural Bulletin. [Trenton, NJ?]: New Jersey State Board of Agriculture. SPCOL/UA has 1906, no. 1 (May) 1906–no. 4 (Aug.) 1909; no. 1 (May) 1909–no. 5 (Sept.) 1909. SNCLNJ S91.C76 yr. 1906/09
Farmland Forum: A Survey of Local Efforts to Promote Agriculture in New Jersey. Morristown, NJ: New Jersey Conservation Foundation. SPCOL/UA has vol. 1, no. 1–vol. 3, no. 2 (May/June 1984–Mar./Apr. 1986); vol. 3, no. 4 (July/Oct. 1986); vol. 4, no. 3 (May/Aug. 1987)–vol. 5, no. 4 (July/Aug. 1988); Special Edition (August 1988); vol. 5, no. 5 (Sept./Oct. 1988); vol. 7, no. 1 (July/Aug. 1990); vol. 8, no. 4 (Sept./Oct. 1991); vol. 9, no. 1 (Winter 1992); vol. 9, no. 2 (Spring 1992); vol. 9, no. 4 (Autumn 1992); vol. 10, no. 1 (Winter 1993). SNCLNJ S604.62.N4F37
Farm Management News & Views. New Brunswick, NJ: Agricultural Economics and Farm Management Office, Cook College. SPCOL/UA has vol. 1, no. 1 (Nov. 1989). R-PUBS S561.6.N5F37
The Garden Stater. New Brunswick, NJ: Vegetable Growers Association of NJ. SPCOL/UA has vol. 1–vol. 10 (Nov. 1956–Christmas 1965); vol. 11, no. 2–vol. 13, no. 2 (Spring 1966–Fall 1968); vol. 14, no. 1–4 (Winter 1969–Winter [Christmas] 1969); vol. 15, no. 2 (Summer 1970); vol. 16, no. 1 (Spring 1971); vol. 19, no. 1 (Feb. 1974); vol. 19, no. 2 (Oct. 1974); [vol. 21, no. 2] Summer 1976; vol. 22, no. 1 ([Spring 1977]); vol. 23, no. 1 ([Spring 1978]). SNCLNJ SB1.G37
Garden View. Trenton, NJ: New Jersey Committee for Agriculture in the Classroom. SPCOL/UA has no. 1–no. 9 (Fall 1988–Fall 1993); no. 11–no. 17 (Fall 1994–Spring 1998); no. 19–21 (Spring 1999–Fall 2000). SNCLY3 S1.G37
Harvest Times: A Publication of the New Jersey Museum of Agriculture. New Brunswick, NJ: The Museum. SPCOL/UA has Summer 1994; Winter–Fall 1995; Summer 1996; Fall 1996; Winter 1997; Spring 1997; Winter 1998 ("Winter 1997/1998")–Fall 1998; Spring 2000; Summer 2000; Spring 2001. SNCLNJ S549.N5H37
Hints to Potato Growers. New Brunswick, NJ: New Jersey State Potato Association. SPCOL/UA has vol. 1, no. 1 (May 1920)–vol. 3, no. 11 (Mar. 1923); vol. 4, no. 7 (Nov. 1923); vol. 4, no. 9 (Jan. 1924); vol. 4, no. 12 (April 1924); vol. 5, no. 1 (May 1924)–vol. 5, no. 3 (July 1924); vol. 5, no. 5 (Sept. 1924)–vol.6, no. 11 (Mar. 1926); vol. 7, no. 2 (June 1926)–vol. 10, no. 5 (Sept. 1929); vol. 10, no. 7 (Nov. 1929)–vol. 10, no. 10 (Feb. 1930); vol. 10, no. 12 (Apr. 1930)–vol. 11, no. 6 (Oct. 1930); vol. 12, no. 11 (Mar. 1932)–vol. 12, no. 2 (June 1932); vol. 12, no. 4 (Aug. 1932)–vol. 20, no. 5 (Sept. 1939); vol. 20, no. 7 (Nov. 1939)–vol. 20, no. 12 (Apr. 1940); vol. 21, no. 1 (May 1940)–vol. 30, no. 12 (Apr. 1950); vol. 31, no. 1 (May 1950)–vol. 33, no. 10 (Feb. 1953); vol. 33, no. 12 (Apr. 1953)–vol. 35, no. 1 (May 1954); vol. 35, no. 3 (July 1954); vol. 35, no. 4 (Sept. 1954)–vol. 36, no. 3 (July 1955); vol. 36, no. 5–vol. 37, no. 5 (Sept. 1956); vol. 37, no. 9 (Dec. 1956)–vol. 37, no. 12 (Apr. 1957); vol. 38, no. 5 (May 1957); vol. 38, no. 6 (June 1957); vol. 38, no. 8 (Aug. 1957); vol. 38, no. 10 (Oct. 1957)–vol. 38, no. 12 (Dec. 1957); vol. 39, no. 2 (Feb. 1959)–vol. 39, no. 5 (May 1958); vol. 39, no. 7 (July 1958)–vol. 39, no. 11 (Nov. 1958); vol. 40, no. 5 (May 1959); vol. 40, no. 7 (July 1959); vol. 41, no. 4 (April 1960); vol. 41, no. 12 (Dec. 1960). Note: vol. 21, no. 1 (May 1940)–vol. 30, no. 12 (Apr. 1950) are bound; all other issues are loose. SNCLNJ SB211.P8H3
Hunterdon County Agricultural Society. Programme / Hunterdon Co. Agricultural Society. n.p.: Geo. C. Hughes, 1882– . SNCLY2 SF295.15.N52H8 yr. 1882
Monthly Economic Review of New Jersey Agriculture . . .New Brunswick, NJ: New Jersey Extension Service. Title changed to Economic Review sometime between 1929–1932. SPCOL/UA has [vol. 1, no. 1] (April 1925)–vol. 5, no. 5 (Aug. 1929); no. 82/83 (Jan./Feb. 1932); no. 87 (June 1935); no. 88 (July 1935); no. 91–121 (Oct. 1935–Dec./Apr. 1938). R-PUBS S541.5.N5M
Moorestown Agricultural and Industrial Society. Rules and Regulations of the . . . Annual Exhibition to be Held on. . .Camden, NJ: Temperance Gazette Print. SPCOL/UA has Spring 1881; Fall 1886; Spring 1888. SNCLY S555.N52M761 [yr.]
New Jersey Agriculture. East Brunswick, NJ: College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences; Rutgers University, 1919–1966. SPCOL/UA has vol. 1, no. 1 (Jan. 1919)–vol. 48, no. 3 (May/June 1966). SNCLNJ S91.E323
New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station. Equine Science Center. News Update / Equine Science Center. New Brunswick, NJ: The Center. SPCOL/UA has Spring 2007. R-PUBS SF277.N49
New Jerseytimes: A Radio Series That Completes Today’s Story by Uncovering Yesteryear's Secrets. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, 1997– . This collection consists of 62 sound cassettes (ca. 30 minutes each) in two boxes. Of special interest are, 1998: Farming on Land and Sea, and 1999: Agriculture. R-PUBS F134.N49
New Jersey Association of Nurserymen. Annual Directory and Buyer's Guide . . . New Brunswick, NJ: NJ Association of Nurserymen Inc. SPCOL/UA has 1975; 1981; 1983; 1985–1987. SNCLNJ SB317.56.N5N49
New Jersey Association of Nurserymen. Directory of the New Jersey Nursery-Landscape-Garden Center Industry. SPCOL/UA has 1988–1990. SNCLNJ SB317.56.N5N49
New Jersey Department of Agriculture. Circular—New Jersey Dept. of Agriculture. Trenton, NJ: New Jersey Department of Agriculture. SPCOL has no. 1 (Dec. 1916)–no. 145 (May 1928); no. 179 (Apr. 1930); no. 191 (Feb. 1931)–no. 228 (June 1932); no. 230 (Jan. 1933)–no. 239 (March 1934); no. 241 (May 1934)–no. 269 (Mar. 1937); no. 272 (June 1937); no. 273 (Nov. 1937); no. 276 (May 1937); no. 284 (Dec. 1937)–no. 308 (June 1939); no. 333 revised (n.d.); no. 357 (Sept. 1945)–no. 377 (May 1950); no. 383 (Nov. 1951)–no. 393 (May 1954). SNCLNJ S91.A33
New Jersey Department of Agriculture. Highlights of the [...] Annual Report. Trenton, NJ: New Jersey Department of Agriculture. SPCOL/UA has 1965–1969; 1971–1982. SNCLNJ S91.D46a
New Jersey Farm and Garden—see New Jersey Farm and Garden and the Garden State Farmer
New Jersey Farm and Garden and the Garden State Farmer. Sea Isle City, NJ: Garden State Publishing Co. This periodical went through many title changes: Garden State Farmer (May 31, 1930–Nov. 28, 1931); New Jersey Farm and Garden and the Garden State Farmer ([Dec. 1931?]–Dec. 1932); New Jersey Farm and Garden (Jan. 1933–Dec. 1959); Business Farming in New Jersey and the Delmarva Peninsula (Jan. 1960–Dec. 1962); Business Farming in New Jersey, Delaware and Maryland (Jan. 1963–June 1967 ); Business Farming in New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland and Virginia (July 1967–Sept. 1967); Business Farming in New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland and the Virginias (Oct. 1967–Nov. 1968). The November 1966 issue is the "Bicentennial Commemorative Edition" celebrating the 200th Anniversary of Rutgers University. SPCOL/UA has: vol. 3, no. 1–vol. 39, no. 10 (Feb. 1932–Nov. 1968). SNCNJF S451.N55B77
New Jersey Farm Bureau. Yearbook of New Jersey Agriculture. Trenton, NJ: New Jersey Farm Bureau, 1967–67. SPCOL/UA has 1966; 1966 supplement; and 1967. SNCLNJ S91.N493 [yr.]
New Jersey Farmer. Trenton, NJ : David Naar, 1861. SPCOL/UA has vol. 1 (1861). SNCLX S1.N5323 v. 1
New Jersey Farmer. Easton, MD: New Jersey Farmer. SPCOL/UA vol. 1, no. 3–vol. 19, no. 16 (June 1988–Dec. 2007). SNCLNJF S451.N5N49
NOFA-NJ News. Pennington, NJ: Northeast Organic Farming Association of New Jersey. Title changed to NOFA/NJ's Organic News ca. 1994. SPCOL/UA has vol. 7, no. 2 (June 1990)–vol. 8, no. 3 (Oct. 1991); vol. 9, no. 1 (Mar. 1992)–vol. 9, no. 3 (Nov. 1992); vol. 10, no. 2/3 (Spring/Summer 1993); vol. 12, no. 5 (Spring 1994) [(Winter 1994)?]; vol. 12, no. 5 (Spring 1994) [vol. 11, no. 2/3 (Spring/Summer 1994)?]; vol. 12, no. 4 (Fall 1994); vol. 13, no. 1 (Winter 1995); vol. 14, no. 2 (Spring 1995); vol. 15, no. 3 (Summer 1995); vol. 15, no. 4 (Fall 1995); vol. 11, no. 1–vol. 11, no. 4 (Winter 1996–Fall 1996) SNCLNJ S605.5.N64
North Jersey Society for the Promotion of Agriculture. [Monthly Bulletin]. New York: The North Jersey Society for the Promotion of Agriculture. SPCOL/UA has June 1914–May 1922. SNCLNJ S1.UN67
Organic Market Guide New Jersey Region. Pennington, NJ: Northeast Organic Farming Association of New Jersey and the Stony Brook-Millstone Watershed Association, 1993– . SNCLNJ HD9003.I53 YR. 1993/94
Penn-Jersey Farming. New York: Rural Publishing Co., 1960–1964. SNCNJF S560.R9
Sussex County Agricultural Society. Annual Fair of the Sussex County Agricultural Society at Newton, N.J. to Commence . . .Newark, NJ: Grover Brothers. SPCOL/UA has 1883–1887, 1889, 1891–1892. SNCLY S555.N52S9 [Yr.]
Ten Ton Tomato Club. Report for the Year of . . . n.p.: The Club. Title changed to Bulletin / Ten Ton Tomato Club in 1953. SPCOL/UA has 1934–1942; 1944–1949; 1951–1954. SNCLNJ SB349.T4
B. Horticulture
Garden Club of New Jersey. Yearbook (Federated Garden Clubs of NJ). n.p. SPCOL/UA has 1927; 1930; 1932–1935; 1937; 1940–1954; 1957–1963; and the 1966 supplement to 1965 issue. SNCLNJ S1.G36
New Jersey Dahlia News. New Brunswick, NJ: Dahlia Society of New Jersey. SPCOL/UA has 1925–1930. SNCLNJ SB413.D1N5
New Jersey Gardens. Maplewood, NJ: Gardens Publishing Co. Bulletin of the Federated Garden Clubs of New Jersey. SPCOL/UA has 1930–1932. SNCLNJ SB403.N532
New Jersey State Horticultural Society. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the New Jersey State Horticultural Society. Trenton, NJ: The Society. SPCOL/UA has 1901–1931; other years available elsewhere in RUL. SNCLNJ SB21.N5
New Jersey State Horticultural Society. New Jersey State Horticultural Society News. Title changed to Horticultural News beginning with vol. 23, no. 1 (January 1942). SPCOL/UA has vol. 1, no. 1–vol. 25, no. 4 (Oct. 1920–May 1944); vol. 25, no. 6 (Nov. 1944); vol. 26, no. 2–vol. 27, no. 4 (Feb. 1945–May 1946); vol. 27, no. 6–vol. 46, no. 3 (Nov. 1946–May 1965); vol. 46, no. 5 (Sept. 1965); vol. 47, no. 1–vol. 48, no. 2 (Jan. 1966–Mar. 1967); vol. 48, no. 4 (July 1967); vol. 49, no. 4 (July 1968); vol. 50, no. 1–vol. 50, no. 4 (Jan. 1969–July 1969); vol. 50, no. 6–vol. 51, no. 3 (Nov. 1969–May 1970); vol. 51, no. 5–vol. 52, no. 1 (Sept. 1970–Jan. 1971); vol. 52, no. 4 (July 1971); vol. 53, no. 1 (Jan. 1972); vol. 54, no. 1 (Jan. 1973); vol. 54, no. 6 (Nov. 1973); vol. 55, no. 1 (Winter 1974); vol. 55, no. 3 (Summer 1974); vol. 55, no. 4 (Fall 1974); vol. 56, no. 1 (Winter, 1975); vol. 56, no. 2 (Spring 1975); vol. 56, no. 4 (Fall 1975); vol. 57, no. 4 (Fall 1976); vol. 58, no. 1 (Winter 1977); vol. 59, no. 2 (Spring 1978); vol. 59, no. 3 (Spring 1978); vol. 63, no. 4–vol. 69, no. 3 (Fall 1983–Summer 1989); vol. 70, no. 3 (Summer 1990); vol. 70, no. 4 (Fall 1990); vol. 71, no. 2–vol. 72, no. 2 (Spring 1991–Spring 1992); vol. 79, no. 4 (Fall 1999); vol. 80, no. 1 (Winter 2000); vol. 80, no. 3–vol. 81, no. 1 (Summer 2000–Winter 2001); vol. 81, no. 3–vol. 84, no. 3 (Summer 2001–Summer 2004); vol. 85, no. 1 (Winter 2005); vol. 85, no. 4 (Fall 2005). SNCLNJ SB21.N5H
News Leaf. Plainfield, NJ: Garden Club of New Jersey. SPCOL/UA has vol. 8, no. 3–vol. 8, no. 6 (Sept. 1947–Jan./Feb. 1948); vol. 9, no. 3 (Sept. 1948); vol. 9, no. 6–vol. 11, no. 5 (Jan./Feb. 1949–Nov./Dec. 1950); vol. 12, no. 4–vol. 12, no. 5 (Oct. 1951–Nov./Dec. 1951); vol. 12, no. 7–vol. 13, no. 3 (Mar./Apr. 1952–Sept. 1952); vol. 14, no. 1–vol. 14, no. 3 (May/June 1953–Sept. 1953); vol. 14, no. 6–vol. 15, no. 2 (Jan./Feb. 1954–July/Aug. 1954); vol. 15, no. 4–vol. 1, no. 5 (Nov./Dec. 1954–Jan./Feb. 1955); vol. 41, no. 2–vol. 41, no. 4 (Nov./Dec. 1980–Mar./Apr. 1981); vol. 42, no. 5 (May/June 1982); vol. 44, no. 3–vol. 44, no. 4 (Jan./Feb. 1984–Mar./Apr. 1984). SNCLNJ SB453.G3
Newsletter of the Garden Club of New Jersey. [Plainfield, NJ?: Garden Club of New Jersey.] SPCOL/UA has vol. 1, no. 6–vol. 8, no. 2 (Sept./Oct. 1944–July/Aug. 1947). Title changed to News Leaf beginning with vol. 8, no. 3 (Sept. 1947). SNCLNJ SB453.G3
C. Livestock and Poultry
New Jersey Stallion Directory. [Freehold, NJ: Standardbred Breeders & Owners Association of New Jersey]. Title changed to New Jersey Standardbred Stallion Register ca. 1984. SPCOL/UA has 1981; 1982; 1985–1996. SNCLNJ SF293.S72N48
New Jersey Standardbred. [Lincroft, NJ: Standardbred Breeders and Owners Association of New Jersey]. SPCOL/UA has vol. 1, no. 3 (Fall 1965); vol. 2, no. 1 (Spring 1966)–vol. 4, no. 3 (Aug. 1968); vol. 5, no. 1 (Feb. 1969)–vol. 15, no. 4 (Winter 1979); vol. 22, no. 4 (Winter 1985/1986)–vol. 25, no. 2/3 (Summer/Fall 1987); vol. 25, no. 1 (Spring 1988). SF277.N54
New Jersey Standardbred Stallion Register—see New Jersey Stallion Directory.
New Jersey Standardbred Year Book. [Bloomfield, NJ: Robert Van Natten Associates Inc.], 1963. [Bound with vol. 1 and 2 of New Jersey Standardbred.] SNCLNJ SF277.N54
New Jersey Thoroughbred. [East Windsor, NJ: Thoroughbred Breeders Association of New Jersey?], 1983. SPCOL/UA has vol. 1, no. 1 (Spring 1983)–vol. 4, no. 1 (Winter 1986–1987); vol. 5, no. 1 (Winter 1988); vol. 6, no. 1 (Winter 1989). SNCLNJ SF284.N5N4
South Jersey Poultryman. [Vineland, NJ]: Vineland Co-operative Poultry Association Inc. SPCOL/UA has [June] 1929; Sept. 1929; Oct. 1939; Dec. 1929; Jan. 1930–August 1935. SNCLNJ SF487.S7
III. Theses
Barker, Patrick Dolphin. Beef Production Feasibility in Warren County, New Jersey. [New Brunswick, NJ]: Rutgers University, 1978. R-THES SF.B255 1978
Barnhart, Albert Shupe. Soil Erosion as an Economic Factor in the Agriculture of Monmouth County, New Jersey. [New Brunswick, NJ]: Rutgers University, 1940. SNCLNJ S623.B262
Cash, Robert Christian. Response of Tomato (Lycopersicon Esculentum) to Foliar and Root Supplied Nickel Compounds. [New Brunswick, NJ]: Rutgers University, 1980. R-THES SB.C388 1980
Cromley, Richard Lee. Factors Affecting the Choice between Alternative Sources of Fresh Tomatoes in New Jersey. [New Brunswick, NJ]: Rutgers University, 1980. R-THES SB.C945 1980
De Clement, Ronald. The Effect of Ethylene on Apple, Pear, Peach and Nectarine Nursery Stock in Refrigerated Storage. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University, 1982. R-THES SB.D295 1982
Fisher, Robert W. The Influence of Temperature, Relative Humidity and Time on Selected Quality Attributes of Stored Tomatoes. [New Brunswick, NJ]: Rutgers University, 1979. R-THES SB.F535 1979
Gmitter, F. G. (Fredrick George). The Influence of Alar and Ethrel Applications on Shoot Growth of Populations of Seedling Apple, Apricot, and Peach Trees. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University, 1982. R-THES SB.G569 1982
Griffin, Matthew R. Community Vegetable Gardening: A Means to Reduce Cancer Risk and Related Medical Expenses in Trenton New Jersey. Henry Rutgers Thesis. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers College. R-PUBS RC268.45.G75 1998
Haas, Joao Carlos. Endogenous Levels of Sugars and Growth of Tomato Roots and Callus Cultured on Sucrose, Glucose or Fructose. [New Brunswick, NJ]: Rutgers University, 1979. R-THES SB.H112 1979
Lewis, Stephen Albert. Nematodes and Red Ringspot Virus on Blueberry and the Biology of a Common Parasite of Blueberry, Helicotylenchus Dihystera. [New Brunswick, NJ]: Rutgers University, 1969. SNCLNJ QL391.N4L49 1969
Lewis, Timothy Edward. Peroxyacetyl Nitrate (PAN) Concentration in the Ambient Air in New Brunswick, New Jersey, and Its Relationship to Other Photochemical Oxidants and Certain Meteorological Parameters: Possible Causes of PAN Type Injury to Three Tomato Cultivars. [New Brunswick, NJ]: Rutgers University. Department of Plant Pathology, 1981. R-THES SB.L676 1981
Luke, George W. New Jersey Agriculture from 1850–1950: An Economic Analysis. New York: New York University, 1956. SNCLNJ HD1775.N5L9
MacGregor, Stephen T. Process Performance in Composting as Affected by Temperature. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University, 1980. R-THES S.M147 1981
Maletta, Martha Hesser. The Effect of Air And Root Temperature Combinations on the Early Growth of Tomato. [New Brunswick, NJ]: Rutgers University, 1982. R-THES SB.M247 1982
Mathews, Abraham. Response of Fresh Market Tomato Cultivars to Rate and Time of Ethephon Application. [New Brunswick, NJ]: Rutgers University Department of Horticulture and Forestry, 1976. R-THES SB349.M375 1976
Middleton, David Lindley. Marketing Ornamental Horticultural Products in New Jersey: A Thesis Submitted to the Graduate School of Rutgers University . . . New Brunswick, NJ: 1957. SNCLNJ S571.M5
Mier, Paul David. Analysis of New Jersey Qualified Farmlands’ Devotion to Agriculture in 1975. [New Brunswick, NJ]: Rutgers University Dept. of Agricultural Economics, 1979. R-THES S.M632 1979
Murphy, Mary K. The Economic Feasibility of Using Route—Planning and Other Conservation Methods for a Small Urban, Central New Jersey Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Wholesaler: A Case Study. [New Brunswick, NJ]: Rutgers University Department of Agricultural Economics, 1982. SNCLNJ SB.M978 1983
Musen, Harold Louis. Factors Affecting Fertility Levels of New Jersey Soils. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University, 1955. SNCLNJ S596.7.M87 1984a
Palladino, Barbara A. Commercial Organic Vegetable Farming in New Jersey: A Profile and Study of Costs and Returns. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Dept. of Agricultural Economics, 1981. R-THES S.P164 1981
Paz, Oscar. The Effect of Acetaldehyde and Ethanol on the Enhancement of Quality in Blueberries, Pears and Tomatoes. [New Brunswick, NJ]: Rutgers University, 1980. R-THES SB.P348 1980
Rathjens, Richard George. The Influence of Irrigation and Related Management Practices on Root and Shootgrowth of Bentgrass. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University, 1979. R-THES SB.R234 1979
Schweizer, Carl Friedrich. Analysis of New Jersey Farm Organization: Surveys on Dairy Farms 1914 & 1930, Sussex County; Dairy Farms 1930, Hunterdon County; Poultry Farms, Specialized, 1916, 1925 & 1927. . .[New Brunswick, NJ]: Rutgers University, 1932. SNCLNJ HD1775.N5S3
Smith, Gretchen Cole. Cadmium Uptake and Toxicity in Tomato and Soybean. [New Brunswick, NJ]: Rutgers University, 1982. R-THES QK.S648 1982
Wrubel, John J. Fluidized Bed Material as a Calcium Source and Lime Substitute for New Jersey Orchard Soils. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University, 1982. R-THES S.W958 1982
IV. Trade Catalogs
The following were selected from the Sinclair New Jersey Trade and Manufacturers' Catalog Collection. The complete collection consists of over 1,500 catalogs from the wide variety of businesses and companies that operating in New Jersey from 1850 to the present. The inventory to the entire collection is available online.
When requesting items from the collection, be sure to include each catalog's associated place name and size number (indicated in brackets in the records below), as well as the catalog's title, on each call slip.
Additional trade catalogs, particularly those dating from before 1850, are included in the main Sinclair New Jersey Collection. Some of these are included above, under "Monographs." Special Collections and University Archives also has a separate collection of garden catalogs from the Peter Henderson Company of New York, consisting of 97 items from the period 1865–1952. The inventory is available online.
A. Plants, Trees, and Flowers
39th Semi-annual Wholesale Catalogue. Mount Holly, NJ: Evergreen Avenue Nurseries, 1889. [Mount Holly, Size 1]
Autumn. Rutherford, NJ: Bobbink & Atkins, n.d. Catalogue of nurserymen and florists. [Rutherford, Size 2]
A Beautiful Planting of B. & A. Rhododendrons. East Rutherford, NJ: Bobbink & Atkins, 1940. Nursery items and plantings for sale. [East Rutherford, Size 3]
Better Plants. New Market, NJ: New Market Perennial Gardens, 1941. Glen Falls stamped over New Brunswick address on front cover. Dates were examples inside catalogue. [New Market, Size 2]
Bobbink & Atkins. Rutherford, NJ: Bobbink & Atkins, 1939. Rose and decorative catalogue. Lavishly illustrated, includes price list and order form and envelope. [Rutherford, Size 2]
Bobbink & Atkins, 1939. Rutherford, NJ: Bobbink & Atkins, 1939. Includes original mailing envelope. [Rutherford, Size 3]
Bobbink & Atkins, Nurserymen, Florists and Planters. Rutherford, NJ: Bobbink & Atkins, [n.d.]. [Rutherford, Size 1]
Bobbink & Atkins, Nurserymen, Rose and Fruit Growers. Rutherford, NJ: Bobbink & Atkins, 1943. Includes loose order form sheet. [Rutherford, Size 3]
Catalogue #17 American Horticulture; Our 60th Anniversary Catalogue. Hopewell, NJ Woodburn Books, 2006. [Hopewell, Size 1]
Catalogue of Bedding Plants, and of French Hybrid Gladiolus. South Amboy: NJ: George Such, 1881. [South Amboy, Size 1]
A Catalogue of Exclusively Hardy Plants and Nursery Stock. Rahway, NJ: Milton Nursery, 1865. [Rahway, Size 1]
Catalogue of Ornamental Trees & Plants, Number 2. Red Bank, NJ: A. Hance & Son, [187?]. [Red Bank, Size 1]
Catalogue of Plants and of French Hybrid Gladiolus. South Amboy: NJ: George Such, 1875. [South Amboy, Size 1]
Catalogue of Plants and of French Hybrid Gladiolus. South Amboy: NJ: George Such, 1877. [South Amboy, Size 1]
Catalogue of Some Stove & Greenhouse Plants, Including Orchids, Palms, Ferns, Etc. South Amboy: NJ: George Such. SPCOL/UA has catalogs from 1871, 1873, 1878, and 1883. [South Amboy, Size 1]
Dahlias of Quality and Distinction 1932. Vineland, NJ: Dahliadel Nurseries, [1932]. [Vineland, Size 1]
Dahlias of Quality and Distinction. Vineland, NJ: Dahliadel Nurseries, 1929. [Vineland, Size 2]
Descriptive and Priced Catalogue of Plants. Moorestown, NJ: Moorestown Small Fruit and Plant Farm, 1868. Catalogue of fruits with prices for each. [Moorestown, Size 1]
Descriptive Catalogue of New, Rare, and Beautiful Plants. Paterson, NJ: Bellevue Nursery Company, 1873. [Paterson, Size 1]
Dutch Gardens, 1995 Fall Planting. Adelphia, NJ: Dutch Gardens, 1995. [Adelphia, Size 2]
Dutch Gardens, 1996 Spring Planting. Adelphia, NJ: Dutch Gardens, 1996. [Adelphia, Size 2]
E. & J.C. Williams' Descriptive Catalogue and Price List. Montclair, NJ: Chestnut Hill Nursery, 1882. [Montclair, Size 1]
Established Exotic Orchids and Native Hardy Orchids. Summit, NJ: Lager & Hurrell, [1935]. Special list no. 82. Date printed on letter folded in catalog. [Summit, Size 1]
Evergreen and Deciduous Trees, Shrubs and Vines. Springfield, NJ: F. & F. Nurseries Flemer Holding Corp., n.d. [Springfield, Size 1]
Evergreens, Azaleas, Rhododendrons. Rutherford, NJ: Bobbink & Atkins, 1930. Extensively illustrated with photographs, many colored. [Rutherford, Size 2]
Fairview Nurseries. Moorestown, NJ: Fairview Nurseries, [ca. 1883]. Catalogue of mostly fruits with prices for each. Date obtained from testimonial in back. [Moorestown, Size 1]
Farm Bargains: This Catalogue Is Issued by the Oldest Farm Agency in Southern New Jersey . . . Vineland, NJ: Bray & MacGeorge, [between 1930 and 1940]. [Vineland, Size 2]
Floral Treasures of the United States Nurseries. Short Hills, NJ: Pitcher & Manda, Proprietors, [between 1885 and 1904]. Nursery information on the variety of plants for sale. [Short Hills, Size 1]
Florida and Its Flowers. Newark, NJ: Bolles Brothers, [1881]. [Newark, Size 1]
"Flowers," a Monthly Publication. Trenton, NJ: Martin C. Ribsam & Sons Co., 1932. Spring flowers. [Trenton, Size 1]
Forbes Plants for Your Garden. Newark, NJ: Alexander Forbes & Co., 1929. [Newark, Size 1]
Forsgate Farms, Foods, Flowers. Cranbury, NJ: Forsgate Farms, 1927. Catalog of flowers and fruit trees and bushes. [Cranbury, Size 1]
Forsgate Farms; New Jersey. Jamesburg, NJ: Forsgate Farms [between 1910 and 1930]. [Jamesburg, Size 1]
Hammonton Flower Gardens Wholesale Catalogue. Hammonton, NJ: Hammonton Flower Gardens, 1942. [Hammonton, Size 1]
Hammonton Hardy Plant Nursery: Hardy Perennials Wholesale. Hammonton, NJ: Hammonton Printing Company, 1924. [Hammonton, Size 1]
Hardy Herbaceous Plants. Rutherford, NJ: Bobbink & Atkins, 1926. Order form in front of catalog and an abundance of colored photos. [Rutherford, Size 2]
Hardy Herbaceous Plants. Rutherford, NJ: Bobbink & Atkins, 1930. [Rutherford, Size 1]
Hardy Trees and Shrubs, Greenhouse Plants, Orchids. Rutherford, NJ: Julius Roehrs Co., [ca. 1914] Three items, small pamphlet dated 1914, and two larger catalogues. [Rutherford, Size 3]
Hunterdon Nurseries. Sergeantsville, NJ: Hunterdon Nurseries, 1881. Catalogue and price list of fruit, shade, and ornamental trees, flowering shrubs, &c, &c. [Sergeantsville, Size 1]
Introducing "Del-Bay." Bridgeton, NJ: Del-Bay Farms, Inc., n.d. [Bridgeton, Size 1]
Lawn and Garden Catalogue. Springfield, NJ: Doggett Fison Company, 1964. [Springfield, Size 3]
A List of Novelties and Desirable Plants for Greenhouse and Bedding Purposes. Rahway, NJ: Milton Nursery, 1873. [Rahway, Size 1]
Modern Named Pelargoniums and Geraniums. Hightstown, NJ: Carlton Villa, 1949. Flower and plant catalog. [Hightstown, Size 1]
New and Beautiful Plants. Jersey City, NJ: John White, 1872. Spring catalogue. [Jersey City, Size 1]
Nineteenth Annual Catalogue. Madison, NJ: Charles H. Totty Co., [ca. 1932]. Catalogue with photographs and prices of plants for sale. Handwritten note on insert about delphiniums is dated 1932. [Madison, Size 2]
Novelties and Rare Plants. Rutherford, NJ: Bobbink & Atkins, 1927. [Rutherford, Size 2]
Novelties and Reduced Price List for 1933. Rutherford, NJ: Bobbink & Atkins, 1933. [Rutherford, Size 2]
Novelties and Specialties. South Orange, NJ: W. A. Manda, Inc., 1913. Nursery catalog of plants for sale. [South Orange, Size 1]
Novelty & General Catalog. South Orange, NJ: W. A. Manda, Inc., 1916. Nursery catalog of plants for sale. [South Orange, Size 1]
One Hundred Attractions in Our Nursery. Rutherford, NJ: Bobbink & Atkins, [n.d.]. [Rutherford, Size 1]
Orchids. Rutherford, NJ: Julius Roehrs Co., [between 1910 and 1929]. [Rutherford, Size 2]
Orchids. Summit, NJ: Lager & Hurrell, [19–]. [Summit, Size 2]
Orchid Select; Specially Selected and Shipped Directly from Our Greenhouse . . . Just for You. Haledon, NJ: Orchid Select, 1998. [Haledon, Size 2]
Our 1955 F. S. B. . . . Skillman, NJ: Goulard & Olena, 1955. Garden products. [Skillman, Size 2]
Parrys' Pomona Nurseries. Parry, NJ: Parrys' Pomona Nurseries, 1899. Order form inserted. [Parry, Size 1]
Pierson's 1937 Collection. Summit (and Maplewood), NJ: Pierson's, 1937. [Summit, Size 1]
Prices—Spring 1895. Parry, NJ: Pomona Nurseries, 1895. [Parry, Size 1]
Roses. Rutherford, NJ: Bobbink & Atkins, 1930. [Rutherford, Size 2]
Royal Gardens. Farmingdale, NJ: Royal Gardens, [1986]. [Farmingdale, Size 3]
Somerset's 1947 Wholesale Catalog. New Brunswick, NJ: Somerset Rose Nursery, 1947. Seeds, plants and insecticides. [New Brunswick, Size 2]
Special Price List. Rahway, NJ: Milton Nursery, 1873. "Evergreen and deciduous young trees and shrubs for nursery stock." [Rahway, Size 1]
Specially Selected and Shipped From Our Greenhouse . . . Just for You; Orchid Select 2004. Haledon, NJ: Orchid Select, 2004. [Haledon, Size 1]
Springtime Brings Beauty. Millburn, NJ: J.H. Schmidt & Son Incorporated, [1935]. Landscape contractors and Nurserymen. [Millburn, Size 1]
Stanton Nurseries. Glenside, PA: Model Printing Co., [between 1900 and 1920]. Nursery was located in Stanton, NJ [Springfield, Size 1]
Steele's Pomona Nurseries. Palmyra, NJ: T.E. Steel, Pomona Nurseries, n.d. [Palmyra, Size 2]
Thomas Hancock's Abridged Catalogue of Fruit, Forest and Ornamental Trees and Shrubs; Also Greenhouse Plants. Ashton, NJ: Ashton Nurseries, 1852. Twenty-fourth edition. [Ashton, Size 1]
Tidings From Totty's. Madison, NJ: Totty's (Nursery), 1939. [Madison, Size 2]
Trade Price List of Ornamental Trees, Plants, and Bulbs. Red Bank, NJ: A. Hance & Son, 1877. [Red Bank, Size 1]
Trade Price List of Ornamental Trees, Plants, and Bulbs. Red Bank, NJ: A. Hance & Son, 1878. [Red Bank, Size 1]
Trade Price List of Ornamental Trees, Plants, and Bulbs. Red Bank, NJ: A. Hance & Son, 1878–1979. [Red Bank, Size 1]
Water Lilies, Aquatic Plants, Fancy Fishes. Saddle River, NJ: William Tricker, Inc., 1929. [Saddle River, Size 1]
Wholesale Price List of the Pleasant Valley Nurseries. Moorestown, NJ: Wm. J. Lovell, Nurserymen's Printer, 1887. John F. Collins, Nursery owner. [Moorestown, Size 5]
Wild Earth Native Plant Nursery. Freehold, NJ: Wild Earth Native Plant Nursery. Information about plants and prices. SPCOL/UA has catalogs from 1998–2002.[Freehold, Size 1]
Woolson & Co.'s Descriptive Catalogue of Hardy Perennial Plants, and Price List. Passaic, NJ: Wilson & Co., 1877. SPCOL/UA has catalogs from 1877–1881 and 1883. [Passaic, Size 1]
The World's Best Dahlias. Dahlialand, NJ: Peacock Dahlia Farms, [ca. 1927]. Catalog of flowering dahlias. [Dahlialand, Size 2]
B. Fruits, Vegetables, and Herbs
Catalogue for Spring of 1923. Vineland, NJ: Michael M. Borgo, 1923. Fruit and vegetable catalog. [Vineland, Size 1]
Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Evergreens, Shrubs, Plants, &c. Moorestown, NJ: Fairview Nurseries, 1848. [Moorestown, Size 1]
Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Evergreens, Shrubs, Plants, &c. Moorestown, NJ: Fairview Nurseries, 1851. [Moorestown, Size 1]
Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Vines, &c. Hightstown, NJ: Randolph Pullen, 1851. [Hightstown, Size 1]
Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Vines, &c. Hightstown, NJ: Randolph Pullen, 1861–1862. [Hightstown, Size 1]
Fruit and Ornamental Trees. Hightstown, NJ: Isaac Pullen, 1857–1858. [Hightstown, Size 1]
Fruits Grown for Market and Plants for Sale Fall 1890. Parry, NJ: Pomona Nurseries, 1890. [Parry, Size 1]
Garden and Nursery Catalogue of Strawberries, Raspberries, Blackberries, Etc. Cinnaminson, NJ: Pomona Nursery, 1873. [Cinnaminson, Size 1]
The Giant, Giant Washington Asparagus, Shoemaker's Riverview Farms. Bridgeton, NJ: Shoemaker's Riverview Farms, [192?]. [Bridgeton, Size 1]
Gunning River Herbs. Barnegat, NJ: Gunning River Herbs, 2000. Price list of herbs and other plants for sale. [Barnegat, Size 1]
Gunning River Herbs. Barnegat, NJ: Gunning River Herbs, 2001. Price list of herbs and other plants for sale. [Barnegat, Size 1]
Jersey Asparagus Farms, Inc.; the Company that Grows with You. Pittsgrove, NJ: Jersey Asparagus Farms, Inc., 2004. [Pittsgrove, Size 2]
The Lincoln Coreless Winter Pear. Parry, NJ: Pomona Nurseries, [189?]. Includes unattached order sheet. [Parry, Size 1]
Moorestown Small Fruit and Plant Farm. Moorestown, NJ: Thos. C. Andrews, 1868. [Moorestown, Size 1]
Price-list of Small Fruits. Woodbury, NJ: Gibson & Bennett, [between 1851 and 1870]. [Woodbury, Size 1]
Strawberries, Raspberries, Blackberries, Etc. Cinnaminson, NJ: Pomona Nursery, 1883. [Cinnaminson, Size 1]
Village Nurseries Special Catalogue. Hightstown, NJ: Jos. H. Black, Son & Co., 1916. Mostly fruits. [Hightstown, Size 1]
Well-Sweep Herb Farm. Port Murray, NJ: Well-Sweep Herb Farm, 1993. List and prices of herbs and other plants for sale. [Port Murray, Size 1]
Whitesbog Blueberries. Whitesbog, NJ: Joseph J. White, Inc., 1928. [Whitesbog, Size 2]
C. Livestock and Poultry
Auction Catalogue of the Loeser Farm Herd of Jersey Cattle. Somerville, NJ: Peter C. Kellogg, 1887. [Somerville, Size 1]
Auction Sale. Spring Lake, NJ: Charles F. Henry Sale Company, 1942. Contains descriptions of horses offered for auction. [Spring Lake, Size 1]
Belle Mead Stock Farm, Season 1893. Belle Mead, NJ: Belle Mead Stock Farm, 1893. Horses and mares. [Belle Mead, Size 1]
Belle Mead Stock Farm, Season 1896. Belle Mead, NJ: Belle Mead Stock Farm, 1896. Horses and mares. [Belle Mead, Size 1]
Carroll Messenger. Morristown, NJ: 1858. Information on a thorough-bred horse. [Morristown, Size 1]
Catalogue of the Guernsey Cattle. Trenton, NJ: Herrick-Merryman Sales Co. SPCOL/UA has catalogs for 1935 (10th annual sale), 1937 (12th annual sale), and 1938 (13th annual sale). [Trenton, Size 3]
Catalogue of the Guernsey Cattle. Trenton, NJ: Herrick-Merryman Sales Co., 1937. 12th annual sale. [Trenton, Size 3]
Catalogue of the Guernsey Cattle. Trenton, NJ: Herrick-Merryman Sales Co., 1938. 13th annual sale. [Trenton, Size 3]
Catalogue, Trenton Stock Farm. Trenton, NJ: Trenton Stock Farm, 1894. [Trenton, Size 1]
Catalogue, Trenton Stock Farm. Trenton, NJ: Trenton Stock Farm, 1895. [Trenton, Size 1]
Colinwood Farm, Maplewood N.J., Importation of Clydesdale Stallions and Mares. Maplewood, NJ: Colinwood Farm, [1910]. [Maplewood, Size 2]
Davenport Farms. Morris Plains, NJ: Davenport Farms, n.d. "A brief descriptive catalogue of some of the stock." [Morris Plains, Size 2]
East Lynne Stock Farm. Flemington, NJ: East Lynne Stock Farm, [189?]. First annual catalogue. [Flemington, Size 1]
Holstein-Friesian Cattle. Somerville, NJ: Somerset Holstein Breeders Co., 1915. Cattle to be sold in Somerset Holstein Breeders Co.'s consignment sale. Includes two photographs. [Somerville, Size 1]
The Lee Way Poultry Book. Omaha, N.E.: Geo. H. Lee Company, 1947. "Compliments of Kapler & Bower . . . Tuckerton, N.J". [Tuckerton, Size 1]
Meadow Park, the Home of Erin 2:24 3/4, Ben Boru 11, 113, Duke of Darlington 9,254. Flemington, NJ: A. Killgore, Prop., 1891. Stallions in service. [Flemington, Size 1]
New Jersey Breeders' Consignment Sale. Somerville, NJ: Jacob Todd, Jr., 1913. Includes two photographs. [Somerville, Size 1]
Pratt's Practical Hints on the Horse, Cow, Hog, Sheep and Poultry. Philadelphia, PA: Pratt Food Company, [189?]. Products for sale by D.W. Pinkerton, Harness & Horse Goods, Somerville, NJ [Somerville, Size 1]
Quality Chicks. Frenchtown, NJ: W. F. Hillpot, [between 1920 and 1939?]. Chickens for sale. [Frenchtown, Size 1]
The Ranidae; How to Breed, Feed and Raise the Edible Frog. Allendale, NJ: The Meadow Brook Farm, 1905. [Allendale, Size 1]
Trotting Stock. Trenton, NJ: Fashion Stud Farm, 1876. First annual sale of stallions, brood mares, fillies, and colts. [Trenton, Size 1]
D. Fertilizers and Pesticides
Agrico, the Nation's Leading Fertilizer; Memo Book. Carteret, NJ: American Agricultural Chemical Co., [1945]. [Carteret, Size 1]
Agrico, the Nation's Leading Fertilizer; Memo Book. Carteret, N.J: American Agricultural Chemical Company, 1948. [Carteret, Size 1]
Andrew Wilson, Inc. Springfield, NJ: Andrew Wilson, Inc., [between 1930 and 1949]. Insecticides, fungicides, disinfectants, fertilizers, weed killers and other agricultural chemicals, sanitary specialties and equipment. [Springfield, Size 1]
E. Frank Coe's Commercial Bone Fertilizers. White House, NJ: J.P. Brothers & S.M. Bonnell, 1885. Contains mainly testimonials, hints and suggestions from patrons of the product. [White House, Size 1]
Facts for Farmers, Fertilizers. New York, NY: H.J. Baker & Bro., 1887. Products for sale by John Hyler, White House, NJ [White House, Size 1]
Fertility $3 Per Acre. East Orange, NJ: John R. Keefe, n.d. Information and testimonials about Vitamite fertilizer. [East Orange, Size 2]
Garden Pests and Their Control. Milwaukee, W.I.: Corona Chemical Co., [between 1915 and 1934]. Spray to keep gardens pest-free. Handwritten under Milwaukee is "Newark, NJ". [Newark, Size 1]
Grain and Fertilizer Drill. Raritan, NJ: Farmers Friend Manufacturing Co., 1879. For sale by W. S. Opie & Co., Raritan, NJ [Raritan, Size 1]
The Greatest Fertilizer in the World, Marl. Woodbury, NJ: West Jersey Marl & Transportation Co., 1867. Price list for delivery included, from J.C. Voorhies, General Agent. [Woodbury, Size 1]
High Grade Bone Fertilizers. New York, N.: Williams, Clark & Companies, 1886. Works in New Jersey. Prices and information on manufacturing of fertilizers. [Miscellaneous, Size 1]
High Grade Bone Fertilizers. New York, NY: Williams, Clark & Companies, 1887. Works in New Jersey. Prices and information on manufacturing of fertilizers. [Miscellaneous, Size 1]
I. P. Thomas' Guaranteed Fertilizers. Mantua Point, NJ: I. P. Thomas & Son Co., Philadelphia, 1923. Notebook with calendar. [Mantua Point, Size 1]
I. P. Thomas' Guaranteed Fertilizers. Mantua Point, NJ: I. P. Thomas & Son Co.,1923. Office was in Philadelphia, factory was in New Jersey. [Mantua Point, Size 1]
The Insect and Weed Problem Solved. Hoboken, NJ: Reade Manufacturing Co., [between 1910 and 1919]. Pesticides and herbicides. [Hoboken, Size 1]
Kills Crabgrass: Zotox Crabgrass Killer. Montclair, NJ: Wilson's Seeds, [between 1940–1960]. [Montclair, Size 2]
Mapes Complete Manures. New York, NY: The Mapes Formula and Peruvian Guano Co., 1880. For sale by Elias Runyon & Sons, New Brunswick, NJ [Miscellaneous, Size 1]
Mapes Complete Manures. New York, NY: The Mapes Formula and Peruvian Guano Co., 1881. [Miscellaneous, Size 1]
Mapes Manures, Fertilizers, Chemicals. New York, NY: The Mapes Formula and Peruvian Guano Co., 1879. [Miscellaneous, Size 1]
Mitchell's Standard Fertilizers. Tremley Point, NJ: Mitchell's Standard Fertilizers, n.d. [Tremley Point, Size 1]
New Jersey Garden Clubs Help Protect New Jersey Holly. Whitesbog, NJ: Joseph J. White, Inc., n.d. Contains mainly testimonials, hints and suggestions from patrons of the product. [Whitesbog, Size 1]
Passaic Agricultural Chemical Works. Newark, NJ: Lister Brothers, 1878. Prices and use instructions for various fertilizers. [Newark, Size 1]
Pig Dollars Are Big Dollars. Moorestown, NJ: Arthur J. Collins; Pleasant Valley Farm, [1915]. [Moorestown, Size 2]
Potash-Marl. Atlantic City, NJ: American Potash-Marl Co., Inc., [1868]. [Atlantic City, Size 1]
Rhodes Super Phosphate, the Standard Manure... n.p.: B.M. Rhodes & Co., [1862]. Factory located "near Camden," printed in New York. [Miscellaneous, Size 1]
Sardy's Phospho-Peruvian Guano, Acid Phosphate, and Atomized Phosphate. New York, NY: J. B. Sardy & Son, [188?]. [Blackwell Mills, Size 1]
Standard Fertilizers, Fertilizer Materials and Chemicals. Camden, NJ: Moro Phillips Chemical Co., [between 1860 and 1879]. [Camden, Size 1]
To Get a Good Tomato You've Got to Have a Cow. Bridgeton, NJ: P. J. Ritter Co., [n.d.]. Advertisement and information booklet for fertilizer. [Bridgeton, Size 2]
Trenton Bone Fertilizer Company. Trenton, NJ: Trenton Bone Fertilizer Company, 1904. [Trenton, Size 1]
Wilson's Improved Compost Manure. Philadelphia, PA: J.B. Wilson, [1876]. Includes testimonials, all from South Jersey. [Miscellaneous, Size 1]
E. Seeds and Bulbs
Annual Descriptive Catalogue of Choice Vegetable and Flower Seeds and Summer Flowering Bulbs. Woodbridge, NJ: Henry E. Acker, 1872. [Woodbridge, Size 1]
Fresh Garden, Farm and Flower Seeds. Morganville, NJ: R. V. Crine, n.d. [Morganville, Size 2]
Ledden's Seeds and Plants. Sewell, NJ: Orol Ledden, 1924. Wholesale and retail price list for the farmer, gardener, canner, and kraut packer. [Sewell, Size 1]
Pierson's Lawn Seeds & Fertilizer. Summit (and Maplewood), NJ: Pierson's, 1937. [Summit, Size 1]
Seeds, Plants, Bulbs. Moorestown, NJ: Pearce Seed Co., 1956. Includes prices. [Moorestown, Size 1]
Somerset's 1947 Wholesale Catalog, Seeds, Plants, Insecticides. North Brunswick, NJ: Somerset Rose Nursery, 1947. [North Brunswick, Size 2]
Stokes Seed Farms Co. Moorestown, NJ: Stokes Seed Farms Co., 1917. [Moorestown, Size 2]
Stokes Seeds 1921. Moorestown, NJ: Stokes Seed Farms Co. Growers, 1921. [Moorestown, Size 2]
Stokes Seeds. Moorestown, NJ: Stokes Seed Farms Co., 1918. [Moorestown, Size 2]
Thorburn's Seeds. New Brunswick, NJ: J. M. Thorburn & Co., 1913. [New Brunswick, Size 2]
Thorburn's Seeds. New Brunswick, NJ: J. M. Thorburn & Co., 1914. [New Brunswick, Size 2]
Wholesale Catalogue. Short Hills, NJ: American Bulb Co., 1898. Specialties are bulbs, palms, ferns, and flower seeds. [Short Hills, Size 1]
Wilson's Seeds for Better Gardens. Montclair, NJ: Wilson's Seeds, 1946. [Montclair, Size 1]
Wilson's Seeds. Montclair, NJ: Wilson's Seeds, 1944. [Montclair, Size 1]
Wilson's Seeds. Montclair, NJ: Wilson's Seeds, 1945. [Montclair, Size 1]
F. Tools, Supplies, and Equipment
1. Agriculture and Horticulture
1914 Iron Age Booklets, Farm, Garden and Orchard Tools. Grenloch, NJ: Bateman Manufacturing Co., 1914. [Grenloch, Size 4]
2 Highest Awards World's Fair 1893 Daisy. White House, NJ: The Daisy Implement Company, 1895. Farm, garden and orchard implements. Renderings and information about their products. [White House, Size 2]
"Acme" Pulverizing Harrow, Clod Crusher and Leveler. Millington, NJ: Duane H. Nash, [between 1880 and 1899]. [Millington, Size 1]
Annual Catalogue of the Iron Age. Grenloch, NJ: Bateman Mfg. Co., 1894. Farm and garden implements. [Grenloch, Size 1]
B. Myer's New Jersey Agricultural Warehouse and Feed Store. Newark, NJ: B. Myer [between 1870–1890]. List of farm implements, seeds and fertilizers. [Newark, Size 2]
The Butterworth Threshing Machinery. Trenton, NJ: New Jersey Agricultural Works (Butterworth's), [between 1890 and 1899]. Catalog came in a letter mailed to Mr. Berry, in Onondaga county New York. Bears date: "189_". [Trenton, Size 2]
Cider-Making Machinery. Trenton, NJ: New Jersey Agricultural Works, [between 1890 and 1909]. [Trenton, Size 1]
Gardening with Modern Tools. Grenloch, NJ: Bateman Mfg. Co., [between 1910 and 1929]. [Grenloch, Size 2]
Hitchings Super-Frame Greenhouse. Elizabeth, NJ: Hitchings and Company, 1930. Green house specifications and information. [Elizabeth, Size 3]
Hitchings Supply Book, Third Edition. Elizabeth, NJ: Hitchings and Co., 1917. [Elizabeth, Size 1]
Home, Farm and Market Gardening with Modern Tools. Grenloch, NJ: Bateman Manufacturing Co., n.d. [Grenloch, Size 2]
The Hudson Cultivator. Raritan, NJ: Raritan Agricultural Works, [1890]. [Raritan, Size 1]
An Ideal Harrow, Pulverization of the Soil. Millington, NJ: Duane H. Nash, [between 1880 and 1899]. [Millington, Size 1]
Important to Cider Makers. Butterworth's Patent Jersey Apple Grinder. Trenton, NJ: New Jersey Agricultural Works, 1876. [Trenton, Size 5]
The Improved Robbins Potato Planter. Grenloch, NJ: Bateman Mfg. Co., n.d. Includes sketches and prices. [Grenloch, Size 1]
Improved Willoughby Gum-Spring Grain Drill. Chesterton, NJ: J.B. Crowell & Co., 1878. Prices and information about the grain drill, a planting device. [Chesterton, Size 1]
The Iron Age Farm and Garden Implements. Grenloch, NJ: Bateman Mfg. Co., [1902]. Includes prices and weight. Letter dated 1902 folded inside catalog. [Grenloch, Size 1]
The Iron Age Farm and Garden Implements. Grenloch, NJ: Bateman Mfg. Co., 1908. Includes prices and weight. [Grenloch, Size 1]
Iron Age Farm, Garden and Orchard Tools. Grenloch, NJ: Bateman Manufacturing Co., [ca. 1910]. [Grenloch, Size 2]
Original New Jersey Agricultural Warehouse; B. Myer, Proprietor. Newark, NJ: [New Jersey Agricultural Warehouse, between 1870 and 1890]. [Newark, Size 2]
Parvin's Patent Iron Wagon. Burlington, NJ: Robert C. Parvin [1883?]. Wagons for farm and road use. [Burlington, Size 1]
The Penn Harrow. Camden, NJ: The Penn Harrow Manuf'g Co., 1881. Contains descriptions for several different harrows. [Camden, Size 1]
The Peppler Six Row Sprayer. Hightstown, NJ: Thomas Peppler, Manufacturer, [1895]. Farm equipment for spraying crops through a large wooden barrel system. [Hightstown, Size 1]
Repair Parts for Iron Age Potato Planters. Grenloch, NJ: Bateman Mfg. Co., [191?]. [Grenloch, Size 2]
Rotary Distributors and Automatic Dosing Siphons. Hackensack, NJ: Ralph B. Carter Company, [between 1945 and 1955]. Specifications and information on these farming products. [Hackensack, Size 2]
Spray the Iron Age Way. Grenloch, NJ: Bateman Manufacturing Co., [between 1905 and 1915]. Information on a variety of farm spraying machines and equipment. [Grenloch, Size 2]
Spray. Grenloch, NJ: Bateman Manufacturing Co., [n.d.]. Information on a variety of farm spraying machines and equipment. [Grenloch, Size 2]
Spraying Vines, Trees, Bushes, with Modern Machinery. Grenloch, NJ: Bateman Manufacturing Co., [1913]. Information on a variety of farm spraying machines and equipment. [Grenloch, Size 2]
Two-Horse Riding and Walking Cultivators. Grenloch, NJ: Bateman Mfg. Co., [late 1800s]. Information on Iron Age cultivators. [Grenloch, Size 2]
2. Livestock and Poultry
The American and the Wishbone Mammoth Incubators. New Brunswick, NJ: American Incubators Inc., 1929. Advertisement and price list for incubators to raise chicks. [New Brunswick, Size 2]
The American and the Wishbone. New Brunswick, NJ: American Incubators Inc., 1929. Illustrated catalog of incubators to raise chicks. [New Brunswick, Size 3]
Dr. A. C. Daniels' Veterinary Medicines and How to Use Them. Boston, MA : Dr. A. C. Daniels, n.d. Focus on horse health. Cover stamped: General Merchandise, Reading, NJ [Reading, Size 1]
Eisers, Inc. Hillside, NJ: Eisers Incorporated, 1969. Supplies for horses and riding equipment. [Hillside, Size 1]
Empire Cream Separators. Bloomfield, NJ: Empire Cream Separator Co., 1906. Catalog in poor condition. Contains postcard to send for more information on products. [Bloomfield, Size 1]
Empire-Baltic, the Separator with the Million Dollar Bowl. Empire Cream Separator Company, n.d. [Bloomfield, Size 3]
Horserasps—Files and Farriers' Tools. Newark, NJ: Heller Brothers Company, 1921. Blacksmith's tools. [Newark, Size 1]
Improved National Hand Power Cream Separators. Newark, NJ: The National Dairy Machine Company, [1902]. Products for separating cream from milk. Prices and renderings included. [Newark, Size 1]
The Installation, Operation and Care of Empire Milking Machines. Bloomfield, NJ: Empire Cream Separator Co., [between 1920 and 1939]. Price list attached to back cover; also a separate price list in the catalog. [Bloomfield, Size 1]
The Magic Brooder, Chickens at a Profit. Trenton, NJ: United Brooder Co., 1924. Price list glued onto first page of catalog. [Trenton, Size 2]
The Magic Brooder, the Dependable Mother. Trenton, NJ: United Brooder Co., 1926. Price list glued onto first page of catalog. [Trenton, Size 2]
Price List. Horse Shoes. 1913–1914. New Brunswick, NJ: Neverslip Manufacturing Co., [1913–1914]. [New Brunswick, Size 1]
Riker Fine Harness Decorations. Newark, NJ: Walter Greacen & Co., [between 1882 and 1910]. [Newark, Size 2]
Saddlery Hardware, Bits, Spurs, Stirrups. Newark, NJ: August Buermann, 1905. [Newark, Size 4]
Sanitary Dairy Apparatus. Haddonfield, NJ: Star Milk Cooler Co., 1899. [Haddonfield, Size 1]
Test and Control Glassware for the Dairy Industries. Vineland, NJ: Kimble Glass Company, 1930. Prices and specifications. [Vineland, Size 2]
That Trademark Guarantees Superior Quality. Newark, NJ: Heller Bros. Co., [between 1899 and 1915]. Horse rasps and blacksmith tools. [Newark, Size 1]
Whitman Saddle Company. Newark, NJ: Whitman Saddle Company, 1888 and 1889. Includes prices. [Newark, Size 1]
V. Manuscripts and Archives
Aid and Detective Society of Franklin Park. Records, 1878–1940, Franklin Park, NJ. Includes minutes, treasurer's accounts, copy of the charter, etc. 5 vols. 1 folder. MC 400
Albor, Joseph. Diary 1894–1931 (bulk 1894–1917). Diary, Jan. 25–Feb. 7, 1896; March 20, 1896–Feb. 2, 1900; June 4, 1900–Jan. 12 , 1903; July 12, 1903–March 31, 1911; April 4, 1912–March 29, 1917; and 1931, which pertains in part to working in the boiler room of a paper mill (until 1904) and the cultivation and sale of cranberries, the entries from 1931 relate to growing and picking huckleberries, church attendance, an automobile and travel (chiefly to places in Atlantic County, including to Elwood to attend committee meetings). 1 box. MC 1196
American Cranberry Growers Association. Records, 1896–1907, Hammonton, NJ. Includes accounts and dues record, 1896–1905; register of cranberry plantations (acreage, owner, address, estimated and actual yield), chiefly of New Jersey, 1899–1904, other states 1902–1904; notices of meetings, bills, constitution etc. Organized in 1873 by consolidation of existing associations, adopting present name in 1883. 1 vol. 2 folders. MC 632
Anderson, Jacob. 1753 (or 1754?)–1837. Account books, 1784–1892 (bulk 1809–1837, 1853–1873). Journal, Sep. 27, 1809–Feb. 23, 1818, and related ledger, 1809–1817, of a general store (at "Bethlehem"); Anderson’s "Private" [account] Book," 1809–1836 (with gaps); and an invoice book, 1784–1786, 1809–1810 and 1816, of more general stores (including the one documented by the journal and ledger), in which Anderson continued his private accounts, 1835–1837. Accompanying the volumes is a gristmill ledger, 1853–1873 (or 1874), kept by Jacob R. Anderson at Spring Mills. The general store ledger includes accounts with approximately 260 people. At the back of the volume are daybook entries, Oct. 9, 1889–Jan. 15, 1891 which pertain to the sale of animal feed and flours, as well as April 1, 1890–Feb. 21, 1892, which relate to wood products derived from a wood lot "on Gravel Hill." Anderson’s personal accounts chiefly pertain to farming, to persons he employed and to his sons. . . 5 vols. MC 944
Andrews, Nathan. Ledger, 1827–1882, of a farm in Little Egg Harbor Township, Ocean County, New Jersey. 1 vol. MC 126
Appleby, William M. Papers, 1875–1887, including farm accounts, 1875–1876. The volume also includes a list of voters (school district, Old Bridge, NJ); records of the Twenty-eight New Jersey Regimental Association, including roster of survivors of the 28th Regiment New Jersey Volunteers at a reunion in South Amboy, NJ (1887); and association minutes. 1 vol. A(Appleby, William M.)
Brokaw, Bergun. Account book, 1812–1851, containing ledger accounts, 1812–1827, relating to agricultural work done for others (chiefly harvesting, cutting grass and carting), and to work as a carpenter. Also daybook entries, May 15, 1830–Feb. 11, 1851, relating to farming. 1 vol. MC 362
Brooks, Enoch. Diary, Jan. 1–March 20, 1869. Bridgeton, NJ. Brief entries (irregular from Feb. 9) concerned particularly with farming, near Bridgeton, and the making of kegs. In the same volume are also accounts and various memos. 32 pages. Included in Brooks Family Papers. MC 795.
Budd, Benjamin. Papers, 1839–1852. Letters received, 1839–1850; indenture papers and accounts, 1850; accounts of travels (after 1830) through Pennsylvania, Indiana, and Illinois, by an unknown author; and a microfilm copy of Budd's diary, March 1, 1851–Dec. 31, 1852, primarily a record of the operation of a 235-acre farm ("Woodside") at Fresh Ponds, near Jamesburg, NJ, as well as social and other activities, mostly in New Jersey. Ac. 2505 (7 items) and DN-99 (1 microfilm reel)
Bunn, George. Farm accounts, 1840–1848, Washington Township (Morris County), NJ. 1 vol. MC 238
Burlington, Monmouth and Ocean County Pursuing and Detecting Society. Minute Book, 1824–1946. 1 vol. MC 1122
Burroughs, James W. Farm accounts, 1833–1869, Hopewell Township, NJ. Farm accounts in ledger form, including records of his estate, John H. Burroughs executor; also a lease for the farm of Joseph Burroughs. 1 vol., 1 folder. MC 159
Cameron, Alexander J., 1841–1891? Diary, 1861–1866. Diary of a Scottish-born wool broker who resided in Ridgewood, Bergen County, New Jersey. The diary reveals less of the writer’s New York City business activities than it does of his social and domestic life, including entries relating to farming and agriculture. Considerable detail is provide on Catholic church and lay activities, including the development of St. Luke’s Church in Ho-Ho-Kus, Bergen County. References to the Civil War are infrequent. 6 vols. MC 34
Cary, Daniel. Ledger, 1816–1848 (bulk 1816–1844). Indexed ledger containing approximately 230 accounts. Persons listed were indebted to Cary for a variety of agricultural products (including quantities of wood and spirits, as well as apples, cider, and vinegar) and occasionally for articles of clothing. Many of the persons listed were employed by Cary; at least a few also rented living quarters from him. Several entries indicate that Cary had an interest in a sawmill. 1 vol. MC 1036
Clark, William, 1756–1853. Ledger, 1784–1845 (bulk 1792–1835), relating to farming. Persons named in the accounts include members of the Clark, Frazee, Parse, and Pierson families, among others. Loose documents inserted between the pages of the volume include receipts related to the accounts, as well as documents which pertain to Clark’s service in Westfield Township as Justice of the Peace (1820s) and as an overseer of highways (1820s–1830s). 1 vol. MC 370
Clarke, Isaac. Papers, 1768–1834. West Windsor Township, NJ. Farm Ledger, 1768–1814; letters to Rachel Clarke; Clarke and Hallett family records; copybook etc., 1790–1834, 1 vol., 22 items. Ac. 1061
Cook, George Hammell. Papers, largely 1860s–1880s: letters received, accounts, notebooks, diaries, etc. Part personal and family material; much pertaining to the New Jersey Geological Survey, agriculture, and Rutgers Agricultural Experiment Station, meadow drainage projects and other business ventures. Letters received and other papers, 1836–1890. Surveying notebook, 1838. Ca. 9000 items. A(Cook, George H.)
Cooper, Benjamin B. Papers, 1814–(1877) 19– . Gloucester County, NJ. Deeds, land surveys, etc.1814–1842; notes concerning the growing of apple and peach trees and the making of cider and peach brandy. Genealogical notes, letters received, etc. concerning Cooper, Van Mater, and other families of South Jersey and Philadelphia; original Cooper family documents; etc., 19th and 20th centuries. Miscellaneous notes on Cooper’s land holdings, etc. A(Cooper, Benjamin). Note: Deeds, land surveys, and genealogical material is stored offsite; advance notice of two working days is required to consult these portions of the collection.
Cranbury [NJ] Vigilant Society. Records, 1901–1947. Includes minutes, 1901–1947; treasurer’s accounts 1903, 1910–1947; dues records 1902–1946; bank book, 1901–1945; miscellaneous papers, 1925–1947. 3 vols., 1 folder. MC 320
Cuthbert, Joseph Ogden, 1800–ca. 1887. Ledger, 1840–1873. Farm ledger of Cuthbert’s farms in Pennsylvania (entries for 1840–1850), and New Jersey (entries for 1850–1864) including a farm journal, Aug. 7, 1841–May 1, 1873, and tax receipts, 1844–1850. The farm journal consists of irregular, generally brief records of crops, weather and farming operations; some financial items (e.g., concerning rental properties, apparently in Philadelphia); and particularly from 1859, notes of current family births marriages and deaths. 1 vol. MC 239
Ewing and Hopewell [NJ] Vigilant Society. Records, 1857–1946. Includes minutes, 1857–1932 (also 1933–1946 as Ewing and Hopewell Social Society); secretary’s accounts, 1858–1874; treasurer’s accounts, 1868–1919; dues record, 1915–1939; membership list, 1858; by-laws, 1857. Organized by neighboring farmers for mutual protection against thefts of horses. 4 vols. MC 622
Foster, Joseph. Daybook, 1849–1879 (bulk 1849–1863). The last entry pertaining to shoemaking is dated 1863; most later entries and some earlier ones, record transactions related to farming. 1 vol. MC 714
Gibbon, Grant. Ledger, 1764–1778, Salem, Salem County, NJ. Ledger of a general store. Accounts for stud services, 1766–1770, are included on the initial leaves and a record of foals born, 1769–1775, on the final leaf. 1 vol. MC 19
Goldberg, George. b. 1818. Daybook, 1844–1862, relating chiefly to three different phases of activity: the making of brooms and brushes (including dandy brushes), 1844–1852; the silver plating (and manufacture?) of hooks, buckles, terrets, rings etc., 1853–ca. 1861, at least some of which (terrets and hooks) were for the making of harnesses (and others of which were for saddles and coaches?); and the building and painting of a house, ca. 1861–ca.1862. Interspersed between these activities (especially after 1855 and before 1860) are many which relate to farming, including the cultivation of whisk. 1 vol. MC 239
Hale, Henry Ewing. Account book, 1863–1906, Princeton Township, NJ. Farm and household accounts and personal records. The farm of 193 acres was located near Princeton borough on the Princeton-Trenton Turnpike. 1 vol. MC 169
See also–Hale, Henry E. Princeton Agricultural Association, January 1867 to December 1939... SNCLY2 S92.P9H35 1939
Harlingen [NJ] Vigilant Association. Records, 1905–1951. Includes minutes, 1906–1928; dues record 1906–1929, 1936; articles of incorporation, constitution, by-laws; lists of officers, trustees, and pursuers, 1905–1931; miscellaneous papers, largely concerned with the dissolution of the association (1949)–1951. Organized by neighboring farmers for mutual protection against thefts of horses, etc. 2 vols. 2 folders. MC 523
Hoffman, William Wellington. Farm diary and accounts, 1862–1876, Weston, NJ. 1 vol. MC 402
Hopkins, W.G. Ledger, 1880–1895, of a farm in Sparta, Sussex County, NJ. Some of the earlier entries relate to persons employed by the farm; some later entries relate to a boarding house. The farm was operated in partnership with James H. Hopkins during 1894–1895 (and probably other years as well). 1 vol. MC 166
Hopler, Henry. Farm accounts, 1856–1866, Townsbury, NJ. 1 vol. MC 171
Howell Family. Cedarville, NJ. 1761–1824. Farming and business accounts of the grandfather of Harbert Howell, Bridgeton, NJ. Copied by Carl R. Woodward. 1 vol. Ac. 1057
Howell, Henry C. Account book, 1869–1924, containing ledger entries (and other financial notations), 1869–1890, which refer chiefly to logging, and entries (in daybook form but never posted), Feb. 15, 1905–Aug. 12, 1924, which relate to farming. Many of the transactions recorded in the volume relate to persons employed by Howell. 1 vol. MC 406
Johnson, Robert, 1727–1796. Account book, 1782–1791, ["Day and Memorandum Book"] consisting chiefly of daybook entries, May 4, 1782–Feb. 15, 1791, relating to farming. MC 489
Johnston, James A., 1926–1968. Papers, 1934–1965. Material papers documenting Johnston's teaching and research activities as Associate Professor of Agricultural Biochemistry, as well as his involvement in a study to establish a two-year medical school at Rutgers and in the naming of Rutgers Agricultural College (later Cook College). 2.4 cubic ft. (6 manuscript boxes). Finding aid available online. R-MC 063
Kearny Family. Business papers, 1786–1851. Ledgers, 1768–1776, of Philip Kearny (1733–1798); letterbook, 1809–1815, of Philip Kearny (1780–1849), relating to land investments in Northern New York, farming and the import-export business and journal, 1849–1851, pertaining to his estate; letterbook, 1811–1816, of Philip and John W. Kearny; and letterbook, 1849–1850, of Philip Kearny (1814–1862) and his agent relating to land investments. Contains material relating to Perth Amboy dealings. 6 vols. MC 658
Kemble, Peter. Diary, April 21, 1780–Dec. 25, 1885, Morristown, NJ. Loyalist farmer’s diary, chiefly meteorological. 1 item. MC 57
Kitchel, Aaron. Account books, 1784–1819. Ledger C, 1784–1804, of a blacksmith of Hanover Township, Morris County, New Jersey. Accompanying the ledger is a blotter, 1805–1819, containing entries related to farming. 2 vols. MC 160
Larason Family. Papers, 1836–1854 (bulk 1836–1871). Daybooks, Aug. 30, 1838–July 14, 1849, and ledgers, 1836–1854, of Andrew Larason (1776–1861), and ciphering book, 1817, and ledger, 1840–1871, of his son Andrew Larason (1803–1885). The accounts relate chiefly to the milling of grain and farming; a few entries relate to the sale of linseed oil and the sawing of lumber. 6 vols. MC 345
Lindsley, J. P. Account book, 1848–1884 (bulk 1848–1853). Account book, including treasurer’s accounts, 1848–1849, of the Bridgewater Lyceum in Bridgewater Township, Somerset County, and garden accounts, 1853, kept in Somerville, Somerset County. Later records in the volume, probably entered by others, consist of poultry and egg accounts, 1879–1882; a list of "Provisions on hand," 1883–1884; and two brief selections of journal entries, on related to silk worms (1880 and 1881), the other related to poultry (1884). 1 vol. MC 321
McDowell, Benjamin. Papers, 1816–1864. Docket, Aug. 1832–(1843) Feb. 1947, of a justice of the peace in Bedminster Township, Somerset County, New Jersey, and a ledger, 1816–1864, of a farm in Bedminster Township. The ledger includes a one page diary, Nov. 14, 1835–Aug. 15, 1836, and May 3–June 1, 1841, containing very short, irregular entries, largely concerning the severe winter of 1835–1836, and farming operations. 2 vols. MC 281
Mansfield Vigilant Society. Warren County, NJ. 1867–1957. Records: minutes, 1867–1957; accounts 1896–1949; dues records, 1923–1956; miscellaneous papers. First acted for mutual protection and insurance against theft of horses, later of automobiles. MC 355
Monmouth County Farmers Exchange. Records, 1908–1945. Includes minutes, March 7, 1908–November 10, 1945; minutes of annual stockholders' meetings, 1937–1939 and of a special stockholders' meeting, January 10, 1941; annual balance sheets, 1908-1945. 0.08 cubic ft. MC 113
Moore, George W. Accounts, 1839–1877, Cumberland County, NJ; Philadelphia, PA Farm and personal accounts, 1853–1877; farm diary, 1853–1877. Accounts of brig Cohansey, carrying freight and passengers between Philadelphia and Mobile, New Orleans, Gibraltar, etc., 1839–1843. 1 vol. BB(Moore, George W.)
Morton Family. General store and farm accounts, [Moorestown], Shrewsbury, NJ. 1733–1835. General store accounts 1733–1775, 1784–1800, at Moorestown, NJ. Proprietor was probably Thomas Morton (d. 1781). Also farm accounts, 1826–1835, vicinity of Shrewsbury, NJ. 1 vol. Ac. 219
Murray Family. Papers, 1789–1839: diary, May 15, 1803–Sep. 19, 1806, and Jan. 1, 1807–Dec. 31, 1808, of mason William Murray; loose accounts pertaining to William Murray & Son, general merchants; school exercise books, most or all kept by family members; undated genealogical notes and miscellaneous other papers. The diary of William Murray is chiefly a work journal, but also includes entries related to farming and other subjects. Murray’s activities as a builder included work in eastern and central Monmouth County. Among the projects on which he worked were High Point Chapel in Middletown, constructed in 1803, and the county courthouse in Freehold, constructed 1806–1808. 0.16 cubic ft. MC 878
New Jersey State Agricultural Society. Stock books containing canceled stock certificates originally issued between 1867 and 1897 (and which bear cancellation dates as late as 1899). Accompanying the two stock books is a small volume (1866?) listing "Subscriptions to the Capital Stock." 3 vols. MC 299
Newbold Family. Daybooks, 1792–1824; 1824–1840; and 1845–1877; and ledgers, 1790–1823 and 1824–1857, of a farm in Springfield Township, Burlington County, NJ. The ledger from 1790–1823 includes several recipes. 5 vols. MC 408
Opie, James Vredenburg (1860–1945). Diary, 1887, containing brief, regular entries relating to farming, weather, social activities, church attendance, and family visits. Also includes cash account for 1887. 1 vol. MC 301
Redding, William Foster. (b. 1860?). Papers, 1834–1953 (bulk 1937–1953), Pleasant Grove, Anthony, Hackettstown, NJ. Diary, 1922–1923 and 1937–1953, comprising a daily record showing a relatively broad range of activities and interests typical of the period. Also photograph albums, 1901–ca. 1908, of his wife (Gertrude L. Hopwood) and a commonplace book, 1834–1838, of his grandmother (Mary Frances Redding, nee Foster), evidently a resident of Boston, Massachusetts. 21 vols. MC 452
Rutgers University. College Farm (New Brunswick, NJ). Records, 1807–1928 (bulk 1864–1928). Includes of historical documents relating to College Farm and its ownership, as well as reports and letters. Includes also is a typed history of College Farm, written by Raymond Wilson, ca. 1929. Also includes documentation of financial affairs, through account books, receipts for sales of farm products, and bills and records of payments made for services and supplies. 0.8 cubic ft. (2 manuscript boxes). RG 18/A3/01
Rutgers University. Dean of Administration (John L. Swink). Records, 1951–1965. A portion of these records deal with the period that Dean of Administration John L. Swink also served as Acting Dean of the College of Agriculture (later Cook College). Included in his records are minutes and correspondence from this period, and dealing with such topics as potential candidates for the position of Dean of College of Agriculture, dedication of the new Horticulture and Poultry facilities, and consideration of 75 minute period class schedules. Finding aid available online. RG 15/A1.
Rutgers University. New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Stations in New Brunswick. Records, 1889–1962 (bulk 1916–1933) of the New Jersey State Agricultural Experiment Station (College Farm) and the Agricultural College Experiment Station at Rutgers Scientific School. Includes minutes and reports; administrative files, including correspondence, memoranda, agreements, and leases; and research notes of Dr. Byron Halsted's bean and pea experiments (1916–1918). 1.2 cubic feet (3 boxes). RG 18/E0
Schenck, Jacob. Papers, 1798–1877, Somerset County, NJ. Bills, receipts, bonds, letters, etc. 1826–1877; bills of Schenck and Wert (Neshanic), William Wert and Garret J. Schenck, 1865–1875. Farm account book, including portion of ciphering book of Jane Hagaman, wife of Jacob Schenck, 1812–1853, loose farm accounts, etc. Papers of Joseph Hagaman and wife relating to the Hagaman estate, Jacob Schenck (son-in-law) executor, 1798–1868. Gift of Clarkson A. Cranmer, Rutgers, 1916. 290 items. A(Schenck, Jacob)
Sheppard, Ephraim. 1804–1885. Ledgers, 1834–1871. Ledgers 1834–(1840), 1844–(1852) 1861 and 1859–(1866)1871, of a livery stable in Bridgeton, Cumberland County, New Jersey. Entries relate chiefly to the rental of horses and wagons, and to charges for drayage. The earliest volume includes a journal, February 3, 1848–January 18, 1871, of ca. 42 pages, in which the entries relate to weather, personal affairs, the livery stable, and to events (fires, deaths, etc.) in Bridgeton. Journal entries relating to the stable concern employee's wages, horses purchases, hay deliveries, horses boarded at the stable, mail carrying contracts, manure sales, and mare rentals (for stud services). 3 vols. MC 191
Stelle, Augustus. Middlesex County, NJ. 1841–1881. Farm accounts, 1841–1873; also accounts of Stelle as treasurer of Piscataway Baptist Church, Stelton, 1880–1881. 1 vol. Ac. 232
Thompson, Charles. Ledger, 1812–1832 (bulk 1814–1827), Morris County, NJ. Ledger with accounts pertaining primarily to agricultural activities and products, with payments in cash and kind. Occasional entries from 1812 to 1817 pertain to weaving or flax preparation. From fall 1821 through 1825 many entries pertain to sales of spirituous liquors, while from late 1824 onward many entries pertain sales of sole leather, boots or shoes. 1 vol. MC 894
Tomlinson, W. I. Accounts books, 1831–1955 (bulk 1903–1955). Account books, chiefly relating to Glendale Farm, but also including volumes kept by father W. I. Tomlinson and by (grandfather?) Benjamin Tomlinson. ca. 40 vols. MC 361
Tri-State Farmer’s Club (Philadelphia, PA). Financial records 1886–1923. Cash account, 1886–1923, including a separate booksale account, ca. 1894–1904; and receipts and canceled checks submitted as vouchers, 1921–1924. 1 folder and 1 vol. MC 356
U.S. Department of Commerce. Bureau of the Census. Agricultural and manufacturing schedules for New Jersey, 1850, 1860, 1870, 1880 (by county). 18 reels (microfilm). Ac. 2991. D-167
Union Vigilant Society for Detecting Thieves and Robbers. Records, 1850–1858, Franklin Township, Somerset County, NJ. Minutes, constitution, and by-laws. Organized for mutual protection against thefts of horses. 1 vol. MC 117
Van Deren, William. 1776–1846. Account books, 1802–1846 (bulk 1824–1846). Daybooks, June 1, 1824–July 2, 1846, and ledgers, 1824–1846, relating to farming and to the operation of a tannery (from 1824 to 1831), a lime kiln, and a general store in Basking Ridge, Bernards Township, Somerset County, New Jersey (until 1838), and to farming and the operation of a general store (April–September 1838) in Lebanon, Hunterdon County, New Jersey. Accompanying the other volumes is a receipt book, 1802–1846, with entries at New York City (1802–1804, 1808–1809), New Brunswick, New Jersey (1804–1807), Philadelphia (1809–1810) and, all in New Jersey, Bedminster Township (by 1811), Basking Ridge (by 1824 through 1838), and Lebanon (1838–1846). 6 vols. MC 257
Van der Veer, Abram Van Nest. 1868–1931. Account books, 1837–1919, of a general store. Four account books of James D. Van der Veer accompany the general store records. Included are daybooks, Oct. 16, 1866–March 22, 1882, and ledgers 1866–1882 relating to his medical practice. Also accompanying the general store records is a daybook, 1853–1877, of John Ten Eyck. The daybook pertains chiefly to farming at North Branch, but also includes occasional entries related to grave-digging. 87 vols. MC 412
Voorhees, David C., 1839–1898. Farm diary, Jan. 1–Dec. 31, 1875, Blawenburg, NJ. Contains full, regular entries relating to farming, social, and other personal activities. 1 vol, 3 copies. A(Voorhees, David C.)
Voorhees, Louis Augustus. Papers, 1848–1943, New Brunswick, NJ. Includes letters received, bills etc. of Voorhees as chief chemist, New Jersey State Agricultural Experiment Station; as Masonic official in New Brunswick; concerning the Van Voorhees Family Association, 1898–(1904) 1943. Papers of his father, Charles H., M.D.; Civil War camp drawings; medical lecture tickets from University of Pennsylvania, 1848–1879. 1 vol., 1 bundle, 1 folder. Ac. 374
Voorhees, Ralph, 1838–1907. Diary, Jan. 1–Dec. 16, 1860, kept while living in Bernards Township. The brief entries relate to farming and to social and other personal activities. Accompanying the diary are a typescript copy of a letter sent by Voorhees to his brother, and a school certificate (for good conduct), 1821, of Robert W. Rodman (his wife’s uncle). 1 folder. MC 514
Webster, Levi. Receipt book, 1805–1817, Newton Township, Gloucester (now Camden) County, NJ. Receipt book; many purchases of fat cattle noted. 1 vol. A(Webster, Levi)
West Windsor Pursuing and Detecting Society. Records, 1883–1942, West Windsor Township, NJ. Included are minutes, 1882–1942; treasurer’s reports, 1927–1946; vouchers, etc. 1903–1945; dues lists, etc., 1927–1942; miscellaneous notices, 1932–1946. 143 items, 1 vol. MC 388
Whitney, Susan, b. 1839. Diary, November 1, 1856–April 26, 1857 and January 1, 1868–September 2, 1872 (with gaps). The entries from the 1850s reveal Whitney's interest in activities at the Perth Amboy, NJ, Baptist Church where she taught a small class of African-American children, while other entries pertain to household, family and local affairs. The entries beginning in the late 1860s (which are fairly regular through 1869 and thereafter have gaps of increasing length) often note the weather and usually chronicle domestic tasks, family life and social visits. Whitney frequently notes that her health is poor and constantly remarks on how busy she is (as she not only kept house, but also eventually helped with many of the farm chores as well). In addition, she records her reflections, which are usually of a religious nature. The diary ends five days before her brother Benjamin's wedding to Emaline Tunison of New Brunswick. Also included in the volume is an account, recording farm receipts and expenses, which was evidently recorded by Whitney and not by her brother. 1 vol. and 1 item. MC 702
Wikoff, Rulif, b. 1863. Diary, January 27, 1885–October 4, 1886 and October 17, 1888–March 26, 1890, of a young man which provides a complete record of farm life and of much social and family activity—constant visiting among relatives and friends throughout Monmouth County, New Jersey (and sometimes beyond, e.g., New York City), and attendance at church and other meetings. 2 vols. MC 74
Williamson, Abraham Tenbrook. Farm accounts, 1737–1857, Hunterdon County, NJ. Includes daybook entries, May 1775(or 6?)–March 6, 1787 (incorporating sales of gristmill products), ledger accounts, 1770–1786, and a record of the hauling of unnamed supplies for the Continental Army between various locales in New Jersey by his team and teamsters; loose accounts, 1791–1803, recording expenses and stud fees for several horses; and returns, lists, warrants, accounts and receipts, 1787–1804, relating to service as paymaster of the 4th Regiment, Hunterdon County Militia. 510 items. Included in Williamson Family Papers, MC 667.
Wills, Zebedee Moore. Papers, 1786–1854, Burlington County, NJ. Notes correspondence, legal papers, etc., while serving as justice of the peace, 1826–1846. Also papers of a number of estates with which Wills had contact, e.g. James Gardiner, Joseph Rogers, Joseph Moore, Jonathan Rogers, John Wilson, 1826–1854. Unsigned petition to the Philadelphia Common Council, 18– , protesting high rent and other mistreatment of farmers using the Jersey Market in that city, and unsigned remonstrances to the New Jersey Legislature complaining about four turnpike companies centered around Camden, NJ. Miscellaneous deeds, mortgages, legal papers, etc. 76 items. A(Wills, Zebedee Moore)
Wood, Edward. Papers, 1774–1838, New Brunswick, NJ. Legal papers, etc. including partition, etc., of a farm (now in Highland Park, NJ) and estate of David Van Horne. 19 items. MC 490
Woolcott, John. Farm account book, 1826–1855. Shrewsbury, NJ. Farm account book. 1 vol. Ac. 212
Young, William. Ledger, 1792–1795 (bulk 1792). Ledger of "Bromley Farm," accompanied by a separately bound index. Persons named in the accounts are identified either by occupation (e.g. tailor) or by geographical location (e.g. Pluckemin). The ledger also includes a list of sheep, cattle, hogs, and horses purchased in 1792 and a list of farming utensils. 1 vol. MC 573