* To be added to the library catalog.
Last Name | First Name | Citation |
Ameri | Mason | Ameri, M., Ali, M., Schur, L., & Kruse, D.L. (2019). Disability and the unionized workplace (Discussion paper no.12258). IZA Institute for Labor Economics. https://www.iza.org/publications/dp/12258/disability-and-the-unionized-workplace |
Ameri | Mason | Ameri, M., Rogers, S., Schur, L. & Kruse, D. (2019). No room at the inn? Disability access in the new sharing economy. Academy of Management Discoveries, 6(2), 176-205. https://doi.org/10.5465/amd.2018.0054 |
Ameri | Mason | Ameri, M., Schur, L., Adya, M., Bentley, F. S., McKay, P. & Kruse, D. (2018). The disability employment puzzle: A field experiment on employer hiring behavior. ILR Review, 71(2), 329-364. https://doi.org/10.1177/0019793917717474 |
Cerulo | Karen | Cerulo, K. A. (2018). Scents and sensibility: Olfaction, sense-making, and meaning attribution. American Sociological Review, 83(2), 361–389. https://doi.org/10.1177/0003122418759679 |
Chaudary | Ali R. | Chaudhary, A. R., & Moss, D. (2019). Suppressing transnationalism: Bringing constraints into the study of transnational political action. Comparative Migration Studies, 7(1), 1–22. https://doi.org/10.1186/s40878-019-0112-z |
Chaudary | Ali R. | Chaudary, A. R. (2018). Voting here and there: Political integration and transnational political engagement among immigrants in Europe. Global Networks, 18(3), 437–460. https://doi.org/10.1111/glob.12171 |
Clauss-Ehlers | Caroline S. | Clauss-Ehlers, C. S. (2019). Forced migration among Latinx children and their families: Introducing trilateral migration trauma as a concept to reflect a forced migratory experience. Journal of Infant, Child, and Adolescent Psychotherapy, 18 (4), 330–342. https://doi.org/10.1080/15289168.2019.1686742 |
Eichert | Brian W. | Pawlo, E., Lorenzo, A., Eichert, B., & Elias, M. J. (2019). All SEL should be trauma-informed. Phi Delta Kappan, 101(3), 37-41. https://doi.org/10.1177/0031721719885919 |
Elias | Maurice J. | Elias, M. J. (2019). What if the doors of every schoolhouse opened to social-emotional learning tomorrow: Reflections on how to feasibly scale up high-quality SEL. Educational Psychologist, 54(3), 233-245. https://doi.org/10.1080/00461520.2019.1636655 |
Elias | Maurice J. | Pawlo, E., Lorenzo, A., Eichert, B., & Elias, M. J. (2019). All SEL should be trauma-informed. Phi Delta Kappan, 101(3), 37-41. https://doi.org/10.1177/0031721719885919 |
Farmer | Antoinette | Farmer, A. Y., Powell, K. G., Treitler, P. C., Peterson, N. A., & Borys, S. (2019). A case study of SBIRT on a college campus: Challenges, adaptations, and improved outcomes. Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions, 19(1–2), 158–176. https://doi.org/10.1080/1533256X.2019.1590703 |
Friedman | Brittany | Friedman, B., & Pattillo, M. (2019). Statutory inequality: The logics of monetary sanctions in state law. RSF: The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences, 5(1), 173–196. https://doi.org/10.7758/rsf.2019.5.1.08 |
Gerson | Judy M. | Gerson, J. M. (2018). Gender theory, intersectionality, and new understandings of Jewishness. Journal of Jewish Identities, 11(1), 5-16. https://doi.org/10.1353/jji.2018.0002 |
Giannetti | Francesca | Giannetti, F. (2019). ‘So near while apart’: Correspondence editions as critical library pedagogy and digital humanities methodology. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 45(5). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.acalib.2019.05.001 |
Hirschfield | Paul | Hirschfield, P. (2018). Schools and crime. Annual Review of Criminology, 1(1), 149–169. https://doi.org/10.1146/annurev-criminol-032317-092358 |
Jones | Leslie K. | Jones, L. K. (2019). BlackLivesMatter: An analysis of the movement as social drama. Humanity & Society, 44(1), 92-110. https://doi.org/10.1177/0160597619832049 |
Krivo | Lauren | Krivo, L. J., Vélez, M. B., Lyons, C. J., & Phillips, J. B. (2018). Race, crime, and the changing fortunes of urban neighborhoods, 1999-2013. Du Bois Review, 15(1), 47–68. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1742058X18000103 |
Kruse | Douglas L. | Ameri, M., Ali, M., Schur, L., & Kruse, D.L. (2019). Disability and the unionized workplace (Discussion paper no.12258). IZA Institute for Labor Economics. https://www.iza.org/publications/dp/12258/disability-and-the-unionized-workplace |
Kruse | Douglas L. | Ameri, M., Rogers, S., Schur, L., & Kruse, D. (2019). No room at the inn? Disability access in the new sharing economy. Academy of Management Discoveries, 6(2), 176-205. https://doi.org/10.5465/amd.2018.0054 |
Kruse | Douglass L. | Ameri, M., Schur, L., Adya, M., Bentley, F. S., McKay, P., & Kruse, D. (2018). The disability employment puzzle: A field experiment on employer hiring behavior. ILR Review, 71(2), 329-64. https://doi.org/10.1177/0019793917717474 |
Lei | Lei | Lei, L. (2018). The effect of neighborhood context on children’s academic achievement in China: Exploring mediating mechanisms. Social Science Research, 72, 240-257. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ssresearch.2018.03.002 |
Lei | Lei | Lei, L., Desai, S., & Vanneman, R. (2019). The impact of transportation infrastructure on women’s employment in India. Feminist Economics, 25(4), 94-125. https://doi.org/10.1080/13545701.2019.1655162 |
Lewis | Amy D. | Lewis, A. D. (2019). Practice what you teach: How experiencing elementary school science teaching practices helps prepare teacher candidates. Teaching and Teacher Education, 86,102886. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tate.2019.102886 |
MacKendrick | Norah | MacKendrick, N., & Pristavec, T. (2019). Between careful and crazy: The emotion work of feeding the family in an industrialized food system. Food, Culture & Society, 22(4), 446-463. https://doi.org/10.1080/15528014.2019.1620588 |
Mai | Quan D. | Mai, Q. D., Hill, T. D., Vila-Henninger, L., & Grandner, M. A. (2019). Employment insecurity and sleep disturbance: Evidence from 31 European countries. Journal of Sleep Research, 28(1), Article e12763. https://doi.org/10.1111/jsr.12763 |
McKay | Patrick | Ameri, M., Schur, L., Adya, M., Bentley, F. S., McKay, P., & Kruse, D. (2018). The disability employment puzzle: A field experiment on employer hiring behavior. ILR Review, 71(2), 329-64. https://doi.org/10.1177/0019793917717474 |
Phillips | Julie A. | Phillips, J. A., & Luth, E. A. (2020). Beliefs about suicide acceptability in the United States: How do they affect suicide mortality? The Journals of Gerontology: Series B, 75(2), 414-425. https://doi.org/10.1093/geronb/gbx153 |
Phillips | Julie A. | Hempstead, K., & Phillips, J. (2019). Divergence In recent trends in deaths from intentional and unintentional poisoning. Health Affairs, 38(1), 29–35. https://doi.org/10.1377/hlthaff.2018.05186 |
Rigdon | Mary L. | Gillies, A. S., & Rigdon, M. L. (2019). Plausible deniability and cooperation in trust games. Review of Behavioral Economics, 6(2), 95-118. https://doi.org/10.1561/105.00000103 |
Roos | Patricia | Roos, P., & Stevens, L. (2018). Integrating occupations: changing occupational sex segregation in the U.S. from 2000 to 2014. Demographic Research, 38, 127-154. https://doi.org/10.4054/DemRes.2018.38.5 |
Schur | Lisa | Ameri, M., Ali, M., Schur, L., & Kruse, D.L. (2019). Disability and the unionized workplace (Discussion paper no.12258). IZA Institute for Labor Economics. https://www.iza.org/publications/dp/12258/disability-and-the-unionized-workplace |
Schur | Lisa | Ameri, M., Rogers, S., Schur, L., & Kruse, D. (2019). No room at the inn? Disability access in the new sharing economy. Academy of Management Discoveries, 6(2), 176-205. https://doi.org/10.5465/amd.2018.0054 |
Schur | Lisa | Ameri, M., Schur, L., Adya, M., Bentley, F. S., McKay, P., & Kruse, D. (2018). The disability employment puzzle: A field experiment on employer hiring behavior. ILR Review, 71(2), 329-64. https://doi.org/10.1177/0019793917717474 |
Shepherd | Hana | DiMaggio, P., Sotoudeh, R., Goldberg, A., & Shepherd, H. (2018). Culture out of attitudes: Relationality, population heterogeneity and attitudes toward science and religion in the U.S. Poetics, 68(June), 31–51. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.poetic.2017.11.001 |
Shepherd | Hana | Marshall, E. A., & Shepherd, H. (2018). Fertility preferences and cognition: Religiosity and experimental effects of decision context on college women. Journal of Marriage and Family, 80(2), 521-536. https://doi.org/10.1111/jomf.12449 |
Shepherd | Hana | Shepherd, H., & Marshall, E. A. (2018). The implicit activation mechanism of culture: A survey experiment on associations with childbearing. Poetics, 69, 1-14. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.poetic.2018.07.001 |
Stein | Arlene | Stein, A. (2018). Professionalization and subversion. Sexualities, 21(8), 1243-1245. https://doi.org/10.1177/1363460718779215 |
Welch | Michael | Welch, M. (2020). Signs of trouble: Semiotics, streetscapes, and the republican struggle in the North of Ireland. Crime, Media, Culture: An International Journal, 16(1), 7-32. https://doi.org/10.1177/1741659018822939 |
Wright | Willie J. | Wright, W. J. (2020). The morphology of marronage. Annals of the American Association of Geographers, 110(4), 1134-1149.https://doi.org/10.1080/24694452.2019.1664890 |
Wright | Willie J. | Wright, W. J. (2018). As above, so below: Anti-black violence as environmental racism. Antipode. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1111/anti.12425 |
Yaco | Sonia | Yaco, S., & Ramaprasad, A. (2019). Informatics for cultural heritage instruction: An ontological framework. Journal of Documentation, 75(2), 230-246. https://doi.org/10.1108/JD-02-2018-0035 |