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Celebration of Scholarship: 2020: Social Sciences: Book Chapters

* To be added to the library catalog.

Last Name First Name Citation
Forster-Scott Latisha Forster-Scott, L. (2019) At-risk athletes. In J. Taylor (Ed.), Comprehensive applied sport psychology (pp. 227-231). Routledge.
Forster-Scott Latisha Forster-Scott, L., & Peters, H. J. (2020). Breaking stereotypes and barriers to working with Muslim and women of color. In L. Carter (Ed.), Feminist applied sport psychology: From theory to practice (pp. 197-204). Routledge.
Kuchi Triveni Kuchi, T. (2019). Myanmar librarians’ research and study tour at the Rutgers University Libraries: A report. In Y. Luckert, & L. I. Carpenter (Eds.), The globalized library: American academic libraries and international students, collections, and practices (pp. 367-377). ACRL.
Kranich Nancy Kranich, N. (2019a). Academic libraries as civic agents. In T. J. Shaffer, & N. V. Longo (Eds.), Creating a space for democracy: A primer on dialogue and deliberation in higher education (pp. 201-209). Stylus.
Kranich Nancy Kranich, N. (2019b). Adventures in information policy wonderland. In P. T. Jaeger, & N. G. Taylor (Eds.), Foundations of information policy (pp. 167-175). American Library Association.
Yaco Sonia Yaco, S., Rizvi, S. & Ramaprasad, A. (2018). Cultural heritage curriculum crosswalk: Using metadata to connect to curriculum. In C. M. Angel, & C. Fuchs (Eds.), Organization, representation and description through the digital age (pp. 189-205). De Gruyter.