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Indian Attacks


Rutgers and the American Revolution: Indian Attacks

The American Indian role in the American Revolutionary war is not clearly defined by the Bogart letters because the Indians are mentioned only twice. Both instances are referred to by Nicholas Lansingh in separate letters to John Bogart. In the first, the Indians have attacked men from Col. Van Schayick 's regiment.

In the second, the Indians along with the British and Hessian troops have burnt Cagnawawa.

Yet, the Americans also used Indians. In Turning the World Upside Down: Inside the American Revolution, (1993) John Tebbel tells of three hundred Iroquois being authorized by Congress. However, when confronted by the British Calvary, the Indians fled and the British were frightened by the Indians' whoops and war cries.

At other times Indians provided food to the American troops.

Most American Indians were not involved in the politics of the war. Instead many were mercenaries. In one instance, when the Indians with St. Leger heard that Benedict Arnold - then with the Amercans - was coming, they grabbed what liquor and British clothing they could get their hands on and took off (Tebbel, 1993).