Seventh Annual New Jersey International Book Arts Symposium
Photos: Exhibition
Following the performance of Duino Elegy #1, the formal program of The New Jersey INTERNATIONAL Book Arts Symposium closed, as usual, with an opening. An exhibition of artists' books, curated by Sharon Matt Atkins will run through January, and includes original work by Ricardo Anguia, Lynne Allen, Gérard Charrière, Béatrice Coron, Eric Desmazieires, Consuelo Gotay, Barbara Henry, Rand Huebsch, Rocco Scary and Ilse Schreiber-Noll, , as well as original Chinese paper provided by Nancy Norton Tomasko. While the New Jersey Book Arts Symposium traditionally exhibits work by New Jersey artists participating in the annual Symposium, exhibits by Anguia and Gotay are included because they help to illustrate the scholarship of New Jersey scholars Pam Scheineman and Lourdes Vazquez (respectively). Desmazieres' work points to our original intention to have this internationally acclaimed artist be our keynote speaker--an intention scuttled by the cancellation of the Print Fair as a result of the unavailability of the Armory. Although the New Jersey Book Arts Symposium remains steadfastly committed to foregrounding the work of New Jersey artists (and in Allen, Charrière, Coron, Henry, Huesch, Scary and Schreiber-Noll, we have demonstrated the extraordinary breadth and talent of the artists who have lived and worked in our state), Desmazieres' presence in our midst seemed a fitting and eloquent declaration of this Symposium's international orientation.