Ninth Annual New Jersey Book Arts Symposium
Styles of Collecting, Styles of the Book
The Exhibition accompanying Styles of Collecting, Styles of the Book, housed in the John Cotton Dana Gallery, included the work of 26 artists: the Symposium's four featured artists: Liz Mitchell, Mary Olive Stone, Robbin Ami Silverberg and Gordon Murray; other artists participating in the Symposium, Lois Morrison, Barbara Henry, Marcia Wilson and Karen Guancione as well as Karen's students: Carmen Cheung, Kyng Sun Choi, Asha Ganpat, Adrienne Garcia, Lisa Hasselbrook,Lindsay Toussaint and Sun Yi; artists belonging to the Booklyn Artists Alliance: Kurt Allerslev, Amy Mees, Mark Wagner, Marshall Weber, and Christopher Wilde; artists held in the collections of the Rutgers University Libraries, acquired over the last year: Jacqueline Clipsham, Maureen Cummins, Suellen Glashausser, Rocco Scary and Sarah K. Stengle, and two books by Tom Phillips, from the collection of Ruth and Marvin Sackner (panelist). The photographs provide glimpses of the exhibition cases, taken at different times: the evening before the opening, during the early parts of the day, and afterward. The table below divides the exhibition into the individual cases of the exhibition. The detour enables browsing through the exhibition, but the link below the table enables skipping ahead to the exhibition opening